Chapter 36

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Harmony's POV

Laying on the bed in my cousins spare room, the anger i feel at being sent away still hasn't abated even in the two weeks since Ive been here. After my little 'incident' with Alexia at her house i should have known she wouldn't keep her mouth shut and would go running to Jayden, like the pathetic bitch she really is. I freely admit that the shock of her actually coming at me that day stopped me from reacting and tearing her hands off me. When she literally threw me out of her house i couldn't believe that the weak and snivelling Alexia actually had it in her. After the shock of her actions wore off all i could think about was the fact that she would disrespect her Alpha Female in that way. I know that Jayden and i have yet to mate but once that happens and i take my rightful place by his side, i will make sure Alexia is punished for her actions. I'm also angry that Alpha Roaul would so willingly take her side without letting me explain about Jayden's love for me, during the meeting with the Alpha, myself and my parents. I was just ordered not to go near Alexia or the stupid baby without being able to defend my actions, and my 'parents' thought it would be a good idea for me to stay with my cousin, several towns over, as she would be and i quote 'a good influence on me', my parents have no idea just what my cousin Lexi is really like.

So here i lay having to listen to the screams and moans coming from my cousins mouth as she bangs her latest conquest, i try covering my head with my pillow to block out the sound, while cursing my wolf hearing. Finally the sounds stop, and i wait a few minutes before getting up and heading to the kitchen for a drink. Your probably wondering why i couldn't get the drink before or maybe left the house? Well the answer is simple Lexi rarely makes it to her room, and after walking in on her previously in the lounge, i keep in my room until its safe to come out, never wanting to see her in that type of situation ever again.

Walking into the kitchen my eyes are immediately drawn to the figure leaning in the refrigerator looking for food, ignoring the almost naked male figure, i head for the cupboard for a glass. I'm just waiting for the glass to fill with water when the guy finally acknowledges me ."Hey I'm Jace, and you are?" i hear him enquire while i have my back to him. I feel like responding 'and i don't really care' but decide just to stay quiet instead. Finally my glass is full and i make my way towards the door, the guy tries to get my attention again but i continue on to my room not acknowledging his presence in the slightness. It may sound mean but i know after he leaves i will never see him again, Lexi never brings the same male home twice, so there's simply no point in getting to know any of them, not that i would want to bother with them anyway.

Just as I'm finishing getting changed ready to start my day, my phone rings and i answer it eagerly knowing who it will be "hey Lucy" i greet my 'friend'. I say the term friend loosely as i only tolerate her because she provides me with information on what is going on at home, without even realizing whats shes doing. Lucy is one of the she-wolves that are definitely beneath me, but again i put up with her annoying voice so i can be well informed in whats currently happening. In my internal thoughts i barely register that's shes been talking until i hear Jayden's name mentioned, which snaps me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry the line was breaking up" i lie to her "what was that about Jayden?" i ask nonchalantly so she doesn't become suspicious of my motive. "I said him and Alexia have decided to move in together, the house is nearly done, and from what everyone is saying they should be moved in with the next few days" she responds. I feel my anger rise at this piece of news, Jayden is actually going to move in with that stupid pathetic bitch? Maybe now that I'm not there he feels Alexia is his only option left? But doesn't he know what a terrible Alpha Female she would make? I get the details of where the house is from Lucy, feigning interest as to what the house looks like, she tells me all the details happily, convinced that I'm happy for them. When i finally put the phone down, it takes everything in me not to smash it by throwing it across the room. Reminding myself that i might need it to make contact with Lucy again i reluctantly put the phone down and pick up the empty glass from earlier and launch that at the wall instead. Hearing the satisfying sound of glass shattering, imaging it was Alexia's head instead of just a glass calms me down some what. I need a plan to get Jayden back, and if i cant have him then there's no way in hell he will be happy. So i lay myself down on the bed, ignoring the glass on the floor as i think of what i can do to fix this problem.

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