Chapter 5

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Emily's POV:

You know when you have a weird dream, and you're like, "I can't wait to wake up to start a new day and get this over with"? Well, this is not a dream. When I woke up from my long sleep, I expected to be in my room, wearing my usual all-black attire, and struggling to get up because my body was killing me.

But here I am in a pretty pink room. I'm not a fan of pink; I just love black because it goes with everything.

The room is enormous, probably bigger than the house I used to live in. Everywhere I turn, I see toys and dolls-seriously, do these people see me as a five-year-old?

Rolling my eyes, I stood up from the bed, letting out a big yawn as I scratched my head. My eyes landed on the big mirror before I pouted.

"Why did they have to change my clothes to pink?" I asked myself before releasing a deep breath.

"This is going to be harder than I thought," I continued as I surveyed the Barbie doll room; it's literally like a dollhouse.

I walked towards the white door, turning the handle and peeking through. My eyes moved around the hallway before taking two steps out.

"Wow," I whispered as I looked around the house. It was beautiful, like a royal palace. Guess I have rich parents and brothers, then.

"Can we see her now? It's been two hours, dude," I heard a voice say loudly, like the person was begging.

"I told you to wait. Let the others get here. We have to wait for Tony so he can see his twin sister," another voice, very manly, replied.

"Twin sister?" I questioned with a furrow.

"I have a twin?" I still questioned myself before grinning at the thought.

With a smile, I walked the other way, not knowing where I was heading. Since we were waiting for my twin, I might as well explore the house. I hummed my favorite song as I walked but stopped when I heard my stomach growl loudly, making me giggle.

"Guess it's time for a meal, yeah," I said while tapping my flat tummy. With a sigh, I turned back towards the place I heard the voices.

"I really want to see her. Please, please, please," I heard the same voice begging again.

I giggled quietly at his voice; maybe they won't be as scary as I thought.

"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'll slap you for real, dude. She's fucking sleeping, for Christ's sake," another voice said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I don't care," the begging voice said, then I heard footsteps coming my way.

My eyes grew wide open, but by the time I could turn around, I hit my nose on the wall next to me.

"Ouch," I yelled out before grabbing my now broken nose. I could feel my eyes watering and the blood dripping on my hand.

"EMILY," I heard someone yell, and then I was pulled towards a body.

"LET ME SEE, OMG GUYS, SHE'S BLEEDING, GET XENDER, OUR SISTER IS GONNA DIE," the person screamed into my ears, making me groan loudly.

"Can you not be dramatic for once, Austin?" another calm voice said.

I looked up from the person's shoulder before seeing a bigger man with black long hair packed in a ponytail, white glasses on his pointed nose, and brown eyes staring at mine.

"What were you doing behind the door, Emily? You could have gotten hurt more than this," the man said, his head tilted to the side.

"I'm sorry; I woke up and got confused and then got hungry," I whispered while looking at the floor.

"Aw, you are so cute," the loud boy said while giving me a kissy face, making me giggle.

"Come here; let me get your nose checked, and Austin, go get Kingston and tell him to come quick," the man said while looking at me.

I walked towards him slowly, trying hard not to connect my eyes with his. I let out a giggle when he picked me up and placed me on a big chair. He placed his finger under my chin, making me look at him.

"Hey, I'm Emily," I said with a grin. He shook his head before saying.

"I'm Xender, the oldest brother. Do you feel hurt anywhere except your nose?" He asked.

I paused before putting on my thinking face, probably looking like a chicken right now.

"Nope," I whispered, popping out the 'p.'

"Where's Chris?" I mumbled while looking around.

"He's out with the others; they all went to get you new clothes and girly things," Xender said while waving his hand.

I giggled at the part he said girly before touching his hair. "Your hair is just like mine but cuter," I said with my head tilted to the side.

"I'm not cute, love," he said with a scold, but I just smiled before saying. "Yeah, sure."

He rolled his eyes before taking some white tissues and placing them on my hand. "Put that on your nose, then tilt your head up," he commanded while I nodded slowly before doing what he said.

Vote pls 💕
Under editing ✨

Also thank you guys for getting my story to a hundred views, lol I posted this story just a day before yesterday 🤧

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