chapter 13

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Emily's POV:

Today, I was starting my first online class, since the boys still stuck to their words on not letting me go to school. I had no choice but to obey. I was annoyed at first, but as Tony explained to me, I agreed to stay and do my online classes.

"So we promise, Emily, this is gonna be fun, and there are students around too, so don't feel lonely or scared. Chris is going to be here to assist you if you need help with anything. For the main time, just try to control your breathing because you look like you're about to pass out," Xander said softly.

Nodding my head, I tried controlling my breathing before looking at everyone in the room. All my brothers gave me encouraging smiles, but Kelsey just rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Does Kelsey hate me?" I asked softly while looking at my fingers.

It was the third day of my period, so I was hardly feeling pain.

"He just likes to be mean, love. Don't worry, he still loves you, okay? We will just have a few words with him," Eren said.

With a kiss on my forehead, he walked towards the door where Kelsey had walked through. One by one, they all kissed my head and whispered sweet words to me, except Tony, though, he was still at school.

"Alright, let's get this done with, okay?" Chris asked, breaking up the silence.

Giving him a nod, I turned my chair towards the system. Chris walked towards my side and then started teaching me how to operate the laptop. He showed me the speaker and muted button, then he told me not to be nervous because a lot of people would be looking at me. He tapped my head and walked towards the other side of the room, where no one could see him.

With a breath, I sat straight and waited for what would happen next.

Three hours later, when it got to 3 p.m., I watched as the teacher wrapped up his lesson for the day. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. No one spoke to me, except the teacher, but the other three people my age stayed quiet.

"I hope to see you tomorrow, Emily," Mr. Smith, the teacher, said softly.

With a smile, I nodded my head before waving, and with that, I watched as the system turned black.

"Well, that went well," I said softly before looking at Chris, who was fast asleep.

"Seriously, Chris," I whispered with an eye roll.

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Under editing ✨

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