The Thing They Find Cute About You

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Dom- The way you look at him at the startin line before races

Brian- The way you laugh

Letty- The way you try and help her with things but fail miserably

Deckard- The way you scrunch your nose and slightly grin

Luke- When you square up to him (because he towers over you)

Roman- When you try to do your hair but it falls out

Cypher- The way you stick your tongue out when you focus

Ramsey- When you do your makeup (she admires the way you do it all)

Tej- When you speak in his language (smart)

Han- When you buy him snacks

Gisele- When you offer to paint her bike and helmet and guns

Owen- When you slap his butt when he works on his car (you run away giggling like a child)

Little Nobody- When you try to stand up straight and be proffesional but then break out of character

Mia- When you cant open jars

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