How They Treat You Around The Team

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Dom- Treats you and everyone else the same

Brian- He sees you as his little princess so he treats you like one 24/7

Letty- You two work together lots and get partnered for your tasks

Deckard- He doesn't like the team at all and has a soft spot for only you, you both dislike the team but get dragged in with it because you have soft spots for Ramsey and Tej.

Luke- You like the team when Luke likes the team, you and luke mainly work together and go back and forth protecting each other

Roman- He flirts with all the girls on the team but flirts with you most and more seriously

Cypher- She hates torettos team and so do you. You were used and betrayed by his team therefore joining Cypher and you two got close

Ramsey- You have more of the respect from the team so they do not cross you and don't try to mess with Ramsey

Tej- He respects you and treats you like and equal around them

Han- He treats you the same as the rest hut checks on you and gives you lots of reassurance when you need it

Gisele- You both stay quiet and speak up when needed other wise you two a flirting/chatting or sorting out your cars/motorbikes and weapons in the corner.

Owen- He hates Toretto's team, you don't mind them but you always put Owen first so you listen to owen
all the time so he doesn't get mad at you or anything

Little Nobody- You don't massively meet the team your in and out when needed so its just professional whenever you are around the team

Mia- You protect mia more than anything else

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