Chapter 17

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Ji Xiunian considers himself to have a good memory and will remember him whenever he meets someone.

However, except for Lu Xu, the five people in front of them looked unfamiliar, so they couldn't help but ask more questions.

Just this opening startled the four people behind Lu Xu.

"Brothers, he is asking about us, right?"

"Seems to be......"

"Oh my god, Ji Xiunian can see us!"


Ji Xiunian originally thought there was something strange about these people, but now he felt something was wrong even more.

What does "he can see us" mean? With four such big people standing in front of him, it would be strange if he couldn't see them.


Ji Xiunian's eyes fell on f4 again, and the sense of violation became stronger -

It's so hot in Dongcheng now that many trainees in the apartment want to go shirtless. Looking at the four people in front of him, he felt hot even wearing long sleeves and long pants, but they didn't sweat at all.

Looking down, he saw the shadow of Lu Xu alone on the ground. The other four, let alone shadows, didn't even touch the ground with their feet.

Normal people will not have no shadow, and it is impossible for normal people to overcome gravity and float...

An answer was about to come out. Ji Xiunian instantly felt his breathing become heavier and his scalp felt numb.

Apartment F4's reaction was not much better than his, huddled together and shivering.

This is the first time that someone has seen him as a ghost in so many years, and he doesn't know whether he should run away or silence him now.

Ji Xiunian's brain was a little confused and he forced himself to calm down. Although this was not the first time he had seen strange things, there were four of them at once, which was really unacceptable.

After finally looking away from these four "people", Ji Xiunian couldn't help but ask Lu Xu: "What is your... relationship with them?"

Ever since he met Ji Xiunian, Lu Xu had been observing his reaction with great interest.

It was obvious that Ji Xiunian, who suddenly saw a ghost, was in a state of shock. He was obviously not used to this state.

Lu Xu made a mental judgment, and when he heard Ji Xiunian ask himself, he changed his expression with confusion: "Ah? Brother Nian, who do you mean by them? And you know that I am in Class A, right?" ....."

The expression of the boy in front of him was one part innocent and one part confused, and he obviously didn't understand what he meant. Those four "people" were clearly standing behind him, but he didn't notice it at all.

At this moment, Ji Xiunian realized that Lu Xu couldn't see those strange things at all, so he couldn't help but fall into silence.

"Brother Nian, are you okay?" Lu Xu spoke in a caring tone, like a warm-hearted junior.

"It's nothing, I made a mistake, it has nothing to do with you." Ji Xiunian tried not to look at the four, and didn't want to scare Lu Xu, so he didn't say anything.

At this moment, the door to the director's room suddenly opened again.

Fan Zeng came out after making a phone call, glanced at Lu Xu and Ji Xiunian standing at the door, and asked casually: "Why are you standing here if you two don't go to rest?"

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