Chapter 116

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After recording the seventh episode of the program, Tang Yanqing thought of adding Lu Xu on WeChat to get reinforcements for himself in advance.

When he pulled out Lu Xu's WeChat account from the group, he suddenly felt that something looked familiar.

Tang Yanqing had been chatting with Ji Xiunian in the morning, and he went to click on Ji Xiunian's information section before realizing that there seemed to be something fishy between the two.

Although he didn't know what "ss" meant, he remembered clearly that Ji Xiunian's WeChat name didn't have ss at first. Now he and Lu Xu use the same WeChat name, and even their avatars are ID photo-style photos with the same color tone.

The two people's WeChat messages overlapped too much, so Tang Yanqing couldn't help but pull Ji Xiunian and said: "Wait a minute, brother, are you a couple's name?"

"Huh?" Ji Xiunian was actually in a good mood when he heard Tang Yanqing say "couple name".

In order to bring himself closer to the professional god of death, Ji Xiunian simply changed all the information to be related to the god of death. Although he knew that all the gods of death had the prefix "ss", Ji Xiunian only knew two of them, Lu Xu. Seeing two people with the same prefix, even he felt inexplicably happy.

But these little feelings can only be experienced by oneself, and it is impossible to explain them clearly to others.

Ji Xiunian didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstandings to Lu Xu. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "It's not a couple's name..."

Just as he was talking, he saw Lu Xu standing not far away, and he didn't know how much he had listened to the conversation between the two.

Before Ji Xiunian could say anything, Tang Yanqing walked over to Lu Xu with his mobile phone: "Lu Xu, can you add me on WeChat?"

Of course it was OK if the director added v. Lu Xu didn't shirk anything, he just scanned the QR code and exchanged contact information with Tang Yanqing.

"Manman should be able to join the group in the afternoon..." When Tang Yanqing saw Lu Xu, he thought of Yu Manman. After all, it was because of Lu Xu that he came to record two episodes. The relationship was unusual.

"Senior sister, are you coming?" Lu Xu had just heard about it and found out that Yu Manman actually came to be a guest singer again.

Before coming to be a judge, I had already adjusted my schedule for Lu Xu, and now I have to help him sing. Others are both envious and a little worried about Lu Xu's live performance.

Yu Manman is a diva, a typical singer who opens her mouth and kneels.

Many people have commented that Yu Manman's throat has been kissed by God, a typical example of God's blessing.

Listening to her singing, you can even feel the resonance in your soul, reaching deep into the human heart.

It's true that people like this can help with singing and become more popular. But on the other hand, if the singing guests are so strong, the pressure on the contestants will be correspondingly great.

At Yu Manman's level, Lu Xu would probably face much more pressure than others.

However, he didn't care. He just accepted Tang Yanqing's WeChat request and said casually: "So Director Tang, can I take Brother Nian away now?"

"Of course." Tang Yanqing raised his eyebrows and looked at the two people unconsciously. He always felt that the relationship between them seemed to be a little closer.

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