16. A Favor...

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Day 8 of dealing with the Nagatoro Army...they just barge in here, and cause havoc while I try to enjoy my precious art time...

Nagatoro: And you wouldn't believe how much Senpai begs me to model nude for him~

I turned around while blushing.


Gamo: Damn! I didn't know you were into that, Paisen?

Yoshi: Creepy!

Nagatoro: I know right!?

They all began to laugh, while I was struggling to defend myself.



Y/n: Huh?-

We all turned our attention to the door..there, stood a frightened Sakura, who was on the verge of tears.

Sakura: *Sniff*

She walked over to me, wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and started crying..

Sakura: Save me, Senpai-Kun..

Y/n: WHA!?-

Gamo and Yoshi looked concerned for Sakura...Nagatoro..looked like she was ready to murder someone...


Y/n: A stalker?

Sakura: Yeah..

Sakura continued to sob at the table after telling the story to us.

Y/n: So...you were playing around with a group of boys, one of them fell in love with you and became obsessed, and now he's following you around everywhere...am I right?

Sakura: Yeah...

Gamo: That's fucking creepy...

Sakura pointed toward the door.

Sakura: Even now...

I turned my attention to the door, there stood the boy with glasses, staring dead at Sakura.

Y/n: Da Fuck!?

Nagatoro and Gamo: CREEP!!

He quickly left after that...Sakura began to cry again, mascara everywhere on her face.

Sakura: Uwah!! I'm so scared!!

Gamo: What do you think, Paisen?

Nagatoro looked as if my answer would determine the fate of the world...I calmly turned back to my drawing, knowing this is Sakura's fault. I wanted no doing in this.

Y/n: Ain't she just reaping what she sow? That's what happens when you toy with people.

Sakura put her head back down...and...

Sakura: UWEHHHHH!!-

That set her off...

Gamo: Paisen made her cry.

Sakura lifted her head just enough to see my face.

Sakura: So...I want to ask you a favor...

I looked back at her..

Sakura: Could you pretend to be my boyfriend?

Y/n and Nagatoro: HAHHH!?!?-

She began to explain.

Sakura: I thought that if he sees us being all lovey dovey, he'll give up~

I turned back to my canvas, nervously.

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