22. C-Cute!?

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*Chirp* *Chirp*

The birds sang as Nagatoro and I walked to school...but...I didn't realize how shady I looked sketching her until she mentioned it...

Nagatoro: Senpai, you look really suspicious ya know?

Y/n: E-Eh? Do I?

She smiled and ran toward me.

Nagatoro: You do! you do!

She smirked.

Nagatoro: Looks like I'll have to call the police~

Y/n: What are you-

Nagatoro: Officer~ there's a suspicious, gross looking man taking glances at me, a JK~


She looked at me in a more serious note.

Nagatoro: Still, are you okay with this?

Y/n: Hm?

We started walking again.

Nagatoro: You won't beat the Prez like this.

Y/n: Yeah..

She turned around to face me.

Nagatoro: You should be giving it your all, Senpai!!

I looked down at my sketchbook.

Y/n: Well, doing it like this is fine...right?

Nagatoro: Eh!? You're lacking spirit, Senpai!!

She hit me on my head..

Y/n: OW!! Stop it!!

We made it to school..

Nagatoro: Just don't underestimate this match...

Y/n: W-Was I?-

Nagatoro: Yes!

Nagatoro smirked.

Nagatoro: I mean, I could always resort to stripping too~

She reached for her shirt..


She started to laugh and hit me with her noodle arms..

Nagatoro: AHAHAAH!!! I'm kidding!♡︎~ Did you really think I'll strip right here?~

She started to skip off while waving back at me.

Nagatoro: Bye, Gloomy Senpai!~ I'll see you later!~

Y/n: O-Okay..


Lunch had finally arrived...while the other 4 girls sat at the table and ate, I just continued to practice my art..

Gamo: What are you doing, Paisen?

Y/n: Sketching..

Gamo grabbed a potato chip.

Gamo: Why are you doing that here?

Y/n: W-Well...I'm just thinking of a theme for the festival...

Gamo: Oh, for the match against Prez?

Y/n: Y-Yeah..

They began to eat again as I drew..

Nagatoro: ...Hey, Senpai...you need to eat before lunch is over! If you don't eat, I'll take some of your food~

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