Chapter 11: The Water Spirit

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Anna, Olaf and (Y/n) all slid down the icy path in the boat. The girls were all panicking, trying to find someway to get it to slow down.

"Olaf, help us stop!" (Y/n) requested.

"Give us a hand!"

Olaf tapped Anna on the shoulder and handed her his arm. Anna used it to grab onto a branch to try and stop the boat, but it just made it turn off the ice trail and slide down a hill.

"Wait! Wait! No, no, no!" Anna protested as they slid into a river.

"Oh, come on!" (Y/n) growled.

"Anna, (Y/n), this might sound crazy, but I'm sensing some rising anger." Olaf said.

"Well we are angry Olaf!" Anna snapped. "He promised me we'd all do this together!"

Olaf nodded. "Yeah, uh-huh. But what I mean is, I'm sensing rising anger in me."

Anna paused. "Wait, you're angry?"

Olaf felt his head. "Um...I think so. Elias pushed me away too, and didn't even say goodbye."

"And you have every right to be very, very mad at him." Anna reassured. "Right (Y/n)?" She asked over her shoulder.

She waited a few seconds, but never heard a reply. "(Y/n)?" She called again, looking over her shoulder.

(Y/n) was sitting behind her examining something in her hand, her eyes wide. Sitting on her palm was a beautiful ring, with a snowflake design sitting on top.

Anna looked surprised too. "When did he give you that?"

"Right before he put us in the boat." (Y/n) replied, not taking her eyes off the ring. " this what I think it is?"

(Y/n) pulled her eyes away from the ring, to look into Anna's eyes. She gave her a small smile and nodded in confirmation.

"What, what is it?" Olaf asked.

"It's an engagement ring. Elias was going to ask (Y/n) to marry him." Anna told him.

Olaf gasped. "Ooh! Really?! That's so exciting! Took him long enough to do it too."

(Y/n) looked back at the ring. She was overjoyed that Elias wanted to marry her, but at the same time, she was also kind of angry. He just left her, and now he could be going somewhere dangerous where something could happen to him and he won't be able to ask her himself.

(Y/n) scoffed. "I can't believe him! Sticking us in this me this if this would...couldn't even ask me, I'm going to wear this, obviously...but just for safe keeping!" She declared, putting the ring on her finger and crossing her arms with a pout.

" that a yes?" Anna asked.

"Maybe!" She snapped, her eyes darting to the side.

Anna smiled knowingly. It was a yes.

"This is so great, you and Elias are gonna get married!" Olaf squealed. "Assuming he doesn't die. Ooh, Ooh! We should start on the wedding plans! What colors are you thinking? Cause we could do blue, red, chartreuse, yellow...oh no, not yellow..."

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