Chapter 15: A Happy Ending and a New Beginning

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Back in Arendelle, the crowd cheered as Anna stepped out onto a platform wearing a dress with a dark green skirt and black top, a beautiful crown seated on her head.

"Presenting, Her Majesty, Queen Anna of Arendelle." Kai announced.

Anna stepped off the platform to greet the crowd. "Oh, hello. Hi."

She got to Sven who had a blue bow around his neck.

"Sven, don't you look nice." She complimented.


Anna turned and gasped when she saw Olaf...wearing clothes.


"Charmed, I'm sure." Olaf said in a fancy accent.

Anna laughed and curtseyed. "Charming."

"You majesty." A voice greeted.


Kristoff was wearing a fancy suit and his blonde hair had been slicked back.

"Aw, did you boys get all dressed up for me?" Anna teased.

"It was Sven's idea." Olaf said.

"One hour. You get this for one hour."Kristoff told her.

Anna kissed his cheek. "That's okay. I prefer you in leather." She ruffles up his hair a bit before walking away.

Olaf shuddered, having already discarded the clothes. "I'm surprised you can last an hour." He sighed. "The things we do for love." He chuckled.


What is this crazy magic called again?" Mattias asked Halima.

"A photograph." She replied.

"A photograph...huh..."

He looked down at a photo of him and Halima standing together, both looking very awkward.

"We look good together." Mattias said.

"Halima, Mattias." Anna greeted.

Mattias straightened up and held out an arm for her. "Your Majesty. Excuse me for a moment. You can look at our photograph while I'm gone." He said with a strong tone. "I' just kidding..." he added awkwardly as they walked away.

Anna and Mattias approached the center of the town where something was covered up with a tarp.

Anna and the Lieutenant removed the blanket to reveal two statues of a young Agnarr and Iduna, each representing the land where they were from.

"Our lands and people, now connected by love." Anna muttered.

Leaves started fluttering around her and she laughed. "Hi Gale. You like it? Oh!" Anna reached into a pocket of her dress and pulled out a piece of paper folded to look like a bird. "Do you mind? I've got a message for Elias and (Y/n)."

Gale took the note and used her winds to carry it across the lands.


The Enchanted Forest was now covered in snow, and Anna's note flew towards the village when a hand reached up and caught it.

"Thank you." Elias said to Gale.

(Y/n) came up behind him and grabbed his arm. "What's it say?"

Elias opened the note and began to read. "'Charades on Friday. Don't be late. Don't worry, Arendelle is doing just fine. Keep looking after the Forest. I love you.'"

"Awe, we love you too, Anna."

"Hey, Gale? We're going for a ride, wanna come?" Elias asked.

The Water Spirit suddenly shot out of a stream of water, going over to Elias and (Y/n). Elias covered him with frost so he could run on the snow, and hopped on his back extending an hand out to (Y/n). "Ready Snowflake?"

(Y/n) took his hand and climbed into the horse behind him. "Oh yeah."


The water spirit ran through the snow covered forest, kicking up snow behind it as it ran. The Fire spirit bounced alongside them in the trees before slithering down to the ground.

Elias used his magic to create snowflakes around the fire spirit which it happily ate. He then made a pile of snow which the little gecko dove into.

The water spirit reached the Dark Sea which was now Frozen, and ran along the ice, carrying Elias and (Y/n) to Ahtohallan.



"Show yourself, right now!" Olaf yelled, pretending to be Elias.


"Elias, be who you are." Olaf whispered, pretending to be Iduna.


"Oh, I will Mama, I will!"

Olaf suddenly flopped onto his back. "Elias is dead."


He flopped onto his back again.

"Olaf is dead."


Olaf sat on the ground, his back facing the audience.

"Anna and (Y/n) cry."

Olaf suddenly sprung up. "And then a bunch of important things happen that I forgot. But all that matters is, I was right. And water has memory, and thus..."

Olaf sat up, and gasped loudly. "I live! And so do you."

Marshmallow and all the snowgies gasped at his story.

"Wow! We live! We live!" Marshmallow laughed. "Good story!"


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