Chapter 15

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Once Julianna left my apartment Nate calls me. "Dude do you wanna hit the gym with me in 30?" Nate asks once I join the call. I get worried, still being sore. "Yeah sure, see you soon." I say hanging up. I start to worry about being near him. I try to calm down as I pack my gym bag and get changed. I put on my grey sweats and a black compression shirt. I take my stuff and go downstairs and wait outside for Nate. While waiting for him to arrive I find my leg fidgeting. I try to not let my nerves get the best of me. I feel my stomach turn when Nate's car pulls up in the front of the building. I make way to him and get into the car. I groan as a sit down in the seat. "You good man?" Nate asks concerned. "Yeah." I say softly. I put my bag on my lap and lean back in my seat. I groan again as my back fills with a hot pain. Nate looks at me worried than starts the car.

We get to the gym, we enter and give our membership cards to the receptionist. We drop our stuff off at the locker room. I take my headphones and phone out of my bag before putting my bag into my locker. I follow Nate as he makes his way to the treadmills. I put on my headphones and start to play my music. Me and Nate begin to mess with the buttons modifying the modes. Nate turns to be before running ask exclaims "Bro how the hell do you have more." as he looks at my neck. I shrug as I start to jog. Disappointed he didn't get an answer he brings his focus back to the machine. I have no clue how I'm going to try to explain this to him, or that I'm hooking up with his little sister. I speed up my treadmill, now running. I use this as an escape. Too mentally get away. Nate looks at me like I'm a mad man.

Before leaving the gym Nate stops by the pull up bars. He points at the bars and starts to walk over to them. Shit I don't know if I can pull this. Nate begins his workout as he asks " You going to join?". I slowly walk over knowing this is going to hurt like hell. I grip onto the bar already feeling my muscles tense. I attempt to pull myself up. I groan as I begin. I try my hardest to do a few more to please Nate. My shirt tugging on my back, scraping against my scratches, sticking to me with sweat. I decided to pull my shirt off to ease the pain. I place it on a bench near me. Nate watched as I took off my shirt now staring at the gashes on my back. My back covered in red marks. He doesn't say anything just blankly stares. I look over at him and understand what's happening. I grab my shirt and put it back on. I tell Nate "I'm going to go get our stuff." heading back into locker room. I come back out with our bags. Nate let's go off the bar and follows behind me. I wave goodbye to the receptionist and hand Nate his duffle bag. We get situated in the car. "I'm not even going to ask." Nate manages to say. He starts the car and gets out of the parking lot.

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