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Future. June, 8th.

I saw something on TikTok which stuck to me, made me shed a few tear. I can't remember what it was, but I do know what it was about.

One thing about your absence is you have and will miss all the big moments - when I got my first officiak writing job, when I got the projcet topic I liked, when I got a laptop, when I found a book I so much adore.

You are no longer here for all the big moment, and I just can't imagine graduating without you, getting posted for NYSC without you, going for my Masters, getting a good job, travelling, without you.

It is not fare, I do not want to face these things without you, do not want to walk the ends of the earth without you. You were my center. I can not imagine being finally and truly in love, and you are not there. Getting married and you are not there. Having my first child, and you are not there.

I don't want to imagine that, I just can not. I, you, we were epic, iconic, and now, I can not imagine myself at thirty years old, sipping wine, re-reading The Invisible Life of Addie Larue without you at my side watching a Korean serial.

I lied, I can imagine it, but I don't want to, don't want to, please don't make me, I don't want to live the rest of my life with the sinking realization that I lost the best part of myself that is you, live with a sinking emptiness, a void that only you is supposed to fill.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now