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Improvisation of something I found on Facebook

                           I'm not sorry I get mad. I'm not sorry I get sad. I'm not sorry I'm not always smiling. I'm not sorry I over think everything. I'm not sorry I can't/ rarely sleep at night. I'm not sorry for saying the things I say. I'm not sorry I'm so complicated. I'm not sorry I'm a mess. I'm not sorry for being clingy. I'm not sorry I get quiet when I'm sad. I'm not sorry I'm broken. I'm not sorry I have trust issues. I'm not sorry my faith in myself shakes sometimes. I'm not sorry I think I'm not worthy of love. I'm not sorry that I'm suicidal. I'm not sorry I'm sad sometimes. I'm not sorry sometimes I hate everyone.
I'm just not sorry for being me. I'm not sorry for being human.

                             Sometimes we need a break from pain because we are human, flesh and bone, body and soul.

                              So I'm NOT sorry for being human and for being me.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя