VII - Harley's in Hawaii

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Boy, tell me,
Can you take my breath away?
- Katy Perry

I left the park with my Dobermans soon after that moment. While Jason looked heartbroken, I could barely think properly and gave him a shitty excuse to miss dinner. Even my dogs were mad at me for leaving early. Damian, on the other hand, was composed as ever, ignoring Jason's glare.

It's hard for me to shake the pained look on Jason's face.

On the other hand, I was somewhat glad I went home. Lex Luthor has discovered the missing piece of his gun and had one of his employees email me to ask politely if I had stolen it.

AKA, they would press charges, sue, and have me put in jail for life. 

I responded to the email by angrily stating that 'I am a fucking cop. Get your shit straight if you think I would ever steal billion-dollar tech' while staring at said tech as it sits on my bedside table.

I sigh and put it in the safe in my wardrobe. I have to dispose of that thing soon before someone finds it and tells Luthor. Now that I think about it, I probably shouldn't have stolen it and just told the Justice League after I left. Great thinking, Ruth.

But it's too late now. I can probably throw it in a fireplace, snap it and chuck it into a dumpster or bury it into the ground.

There's a knock on my bedroom window. I grab my gun and point it a the glass, shuffling to the foot of my bed before standing up on the floor, unable to see what's outside. The window slowly slides open and the Red Hood enters my room, closing the window behind him. I lower my gun as my dobermans run up and happily get pet by him with their butts wagging.

"Don't steal my dogs." "Don't steal my tech," I can almost hear Lex Luthor say in the back of my mind.

"Can't make any promises." Jason's distorted voice is something I'm not used to hearing. He rises from the crouch he was in to pat my dogs and stares at me, his helmet hiding his face. It's a weird experience I definitely do not like. "Are you mad? At me?"

An even weirder experience is having a known violent and murderous anti-hero talk to me like he's a little kid and I caught him trying to steal cookies from the kitchen.

"I... I'm not mad. I'm just..."

"A bit stunned? Stunned that such a handsome, good-looking man like myself could ever be a killer?"

I roll my eyes playfully, a smile cracking. "Shut up. I'm a killer too, remember?"

"That just makes you hotter." he takes off his helmet and steps forward, out of the view of the window, before taking off his domino mask.

And then standing in my bedroom is not Red Hood, but Jason Todd. Albeit wearing his Red Hood gear, but that's not the point. He's smiling from our strange version of flirting.

Oh my god, we were flirting?

"Yes," Corvus says in my head. "And it was weird."

"I think it was cute." Natayla argues, beginning a whole debate that I can hear in my head. It eventually turns into a six-way playfight that is brought outside of my bedroom, probably into the living room.

"You're a terrible flirt."

"I'm a great flirt," he counters, "do you want to know what I'm better at?"

"I don't know, do I?" I sigh at the look he gives me. "Fine. What are you apparently better at than flirting?"

Jason walks towards me, his strong build eating up more and more of my view of my bedroom as he stalks closer.

He stops, and I'm suddenly aware of how little distance there is between our faces, our lips. His hand gently pulls the gun out of my hand and throws it onto the bed behind me, all while never breaking eye contact.

"Are you sure you want know?" his voice has dropped into a deeper, more sultry tone. I supress a shiver with a deep breath.

I hum a noise of agreement. 

"Good." Jason's hands slowly trail up my arms until they cup my face. My heart pounds as he leans in, capturing my lips with his.

And let me tell you, it is everything. Something bubbles warm in my chest as my hands find their way into his hair and tug, making him groan in approval. His tongue brushes over my bottom lip, seeking entrance that I give.

The bubbling feeling in my chest boils. As the kiss deepens, one of his hands travel down my body to grip my thigh, pulling us closer together until there's no gap between us. But nothing good lasts for over, and the two of us run out breath.

"You were right," I mutter against his lips, now swollen. "You're a much better kisser than a flirt."

Jason smirks. "I told you so." he presses a short kiss to my lips that I try and savour but he pulls away. With his height, it's not hard for him to do so.

"You're such a tease." I pout, yet his smirk only grows wider. His gives my thigh a squeeze.

"And yet you would make out with me again," his smug tone makes me roll my eyes.

"I don't know if would," I chuckle at his annoyed expression, yet continue on with my act, "I sort of-"

He stops my words with his lips, pulling away before it gets heated again. I can't help the smile the creeps onto my face, and neither can he. "Sorry about dinner." I say quietly. "Do you want me to make you something to eat? Like pasta?"

"I could go for some pasta right now, yeah."




After we eat dinner, Jason says he needs to go back on patrol, which he explains is the word for going around the city as a vigilante and stopping crime that apparently everyone uses. He promises to me that he'll be back some time in the night and that I 'won't even notice' him coming through the window.

And so, when I do finally get into bed, the promise that Jason will return by morning lulls me to sleep in seconds.



I've never written a kiss before so 🤷‍♀️

idk wtf I'm doing

buh bye

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