XI - Therefore I am

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Top of your world,
but your world isn't real
- Billie Eillish

"You nervous?" Jason asks, studying my expression.

"Nope," I respond without hesitation, watching the cars around us as we drive. I've done undercover ops where one wrong move could have my head blown right off. A bit of press and some rich people couldn't scared me if they tried.

Maxine huffs in the back as she finally puts her hair up in a similar style to mine. 

"What are the rules, Max?"

"No stabbing, no insulting and no ruining of formal clothing," she repeats back with a roll of her green eyes.

"Good enough."

Wayne Manor comes into view, brightly lit with cars surrounding the grounds as well-known people exit their vehicles and enter the mansion. Jason taps his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently before driving through the gates and into the Wayne's large garage where he parks the car. "Don't worry, I'm allowed."

"Are you though?" I ask as the three of us get out, putting my Yarborough knife- awarded to me after graduating the Green Berets' qualification course- in a sheathe on my right calf, hidden by the dark fabric of my dress.

Jason rolls his eyes and leads us to the ballroom. Maxine glares at anyone who casts us a glance, despite her being five foot four and not very intimidating in her own black dress. 

We approach three men with dark hair and black suits as they stand next to Damian in similar clothing, one with baggy eyes, one with a glint of humour in his eyes and one with an unnervingly realistic fake smile. Jason stands beside them and nods, gesturing to us.

"This my girlfriend, Ruth, and her sister Maxine."

Bruce Wayne steps forward and holds his hand out for me to shake and I respond to the gesture appropriately. "Hello again," I say with a warm smile. His almost drops.

Ruth le Vont has never met Bruce Wayne.

He turns to Max and does the same, except she doesn't shake it. Instead, she stares at his calloused and bruised hands with mild interest. "What'd you do?"

"Hi, I'm Dick Grayson," the man with a genuine smile interrupts, a frown forming on Maxine's face. 

I glance at Jason as he talks quietly to the exhausted man and Damian before returning focus to Dick. "Nice to meet you... detective, right?"

"I am. Blüdhaven, not Gotham. You must be that SWAT sniper, huh?"

"Indeed I am."

Maxine weaves her way towards Jason, already annoyed with introductions. I sigh and ask Jason, "Would you like anything to drink?"

"No, I'm alright."

I nod, "If you'll excuse me," I say to Dick and Bruce who are already turning beck to the other three before moving towards the bar. I get some champagne, thanking the bartender, but before I can return to the group, a familiar face interrupts my path.


"Something of mine is missing."

"I got the email. What a shame," I say with a tight-lipped smile.

"You have it, don't you?"

"I can burn it now," Chief says in my mind.

"Have what? The thing you're missing? Don't be ridiculous."

"If you-"

"Excuse me, Mr. Luthor. I need to talk to Miss le Vont." A woman with blonde hair and a bright yet annoyed smile leads me away from baldie and back towards Jason and Max. 

"I could've handled that myself," I mutter as we make our way through rich and famous people I recognise.

"I prefer, 'thanks, Steph!' but whatever floats your boat."

When we get out of the sea of expensive fabrics, I notice Max and Damian talking quietly to the side as Jason, Tim, Dick, Bruce, a face I recognise as Barbara Gordon and Duke Thomas I know only from the press talk to a broad shouldered man with glasses, Oliver Queen and a woman with dark hair.

"Oh, Ruth! Can I have your knife?" Max asks, Damian watching our encounter, "Damian and I are going to sneak off and practice knife throwing. Please?"

Her question gains the attention of the others as they wait for my answer.



"It's my Yarborough knife. I don't let anyone touch it unless their blood is on its blade."

"I promise to bring it back and sharpened."

I consider her for a moment before reaching for my calf, taking out the knife and handing it to her. She thanks me in a rush before she and Damian and enveloped by the manor to God-knows-where.

"What's a Yarborough knife?" Steph asks. Holy fuck I completely forgot she was right behind me.

"I'll tell you later," I reply, moving towards Jason. He wraps an arm around my waist while talking to the three newcomers.

"Ruth, this is Clark Kent, Diana Prince and Oliver Queen. They're... family friends, if you know what I mean," he says. Other heroes? "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Ruth."

Recognition flashes in their eyes. They must know who I am.

"Who doesn't?"


Before I can say anything else, screams erupt from the crowd of aristocrats, diverting our attention. I almost reach for my knife until I remember that Maxine has it. Fuck.

"Give us that SWAT sniper or someone else gets shot!"

My training causes my ears to pound with rushing blood, hands snatching Jason's gun subconsciously and my feet carrying me into the darkness of the ballroom. I creep towards the terrorists and recognise their leader immediately.

Black Mask.

And I'm gonna fucking shoot him.

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