Chapter Sixteen - School

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Hey guys! Sorry the updates haven't been as regular lately my schedule is honestly really crazy and so my only time to update is at night. I will do my best to keep doing it semi-regularly though! Please let me know. Also please still remember I am only going off my experiences concerning any and all mental disabilities so don't hate! Have an amazing day

Rosie :)

Recap: Luca, Alonzo and Alessio arrived at school for Luca's first day

Luca POV

As soon as we walked in the main hall doors, I was mesmerized. There was so much to look at, and since I'd never been to school before, it was all new to me. There were people all over, most of them looked to be around primary school age, but a few older ones.

The three of us walked down the hallway, and I noticed we were drawing a lot of attention. Little kids stared in awe at me and my brothers, and I quickly ducked my head behind Zo-Zo's legs. He chuckled and rubbed my head with his other hand.

"It's okay, bubs. We're just bigger so they're interested." I thought for a moment before frowning, "But I'm not bigger," I mumbled and this time, Sio chuckled: "We know that, buddy. You're just a little bean." We stopped somewhere in a hallway and he poked my nose.

"Hey! I am not little! I'm tall like Boba Fett!" The twins stifled their laughter and I narrowed my eyes. "Of course, bambino. Super tall." I smiled, pleased at Zo-Zo's response.

"Anyway," he continued, "this is your classroom, bug." Finally realizing why we actually stopped in the middle of the hallway, I took an apprehensive step back from the door, bumping into Zo-Zo in the process.

"Hey, it's okay bubs. You have Ms. Keelan. Both Aless and I had her for 3rd grade. She's the best. You're gonna love her." I calmed down a bit at his reassuring words, and I didn't even have a chance to start worrying again before Sio opened the door and gently pulled me into the classroom.

The first bell had rung just a minute or so ago, and so the classroom wasn't totally filled, but about halfway. A nice-looking lady sat at a desk in the front of the room. She had sandy-blonde hair and freckles, and wore a bright shirt with shapes on it.

"Well if it isn't Alonzo and Alessio! How are you boys?" She approached us quickly and I stepped back behind Zo-Zo. Both twins smiled charmingly and the three talked for a minute or so before the lady turned down to look at me.

"And you must be Luca. I'm so excited to have you in this class this year!" She smiled brightly and I offered a hesitant smile in return. "Do you want to put your backpack down in a cubby?" She asked and I had a moment of panic before Zo-Zo gently rubbed my head.

With a surge of newfound confidence, I nodded. She led me over to the cubbies, where she told me I could put my backpack and my shoes if I wanted to take them off. I might do that another day—I really don't like wearing shoes and socks because it makes my feet feel funny—but I wanted to see if anyone else did it first.

As soon as I set my stuff down, I turned around and dashed back across the room, running straight into Sio by the door. I hugged his legs tightly and he bent down and squeezed me tightly and told me both he and Lonzo would come check in on me at lunch.

I moved to Lonzo next, hugging him super tightly and burying my face in his neck. "You're gonna be just fine bubs. And if you need anything at all, you tell Ms. Keelan and she will call us over. We're just at a different part of the school, but we'll be here. I promise." I offer up my pinkie and we lock them, before the twins stand up and wave one last goodbye, and then they're gone.

With my two protectors gone, my confidence disappears. I look around the room timidly, taking in the decorations and fun stuff all over the place, until I hear a voice calling my name. "Luca! Luca! Come over here!" I turn my head and see Finn frantically waving his hand back and forth.

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