Chapter Seventeen - Bad Day

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Hey guys... first off I am SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING I FEEL TERRIBLE. My life's been crazy this past week and I've been super unproductive and so I apologize for that. I will do my best to update more often this coming week. I hope everyone is having a splendid day!

Rosie :)

Recap: Luca fell asleep after his first day of school

Luca POV

When I awoke, I was laying on the couch in Massy's office with a soft blanket draped over me and Hobbes in my arms. I blinked blearily, clearing the sleep out of my eyes as they landed on Mass, who sat at his large desk, speaking in a hushed tone into his phone.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, making sure to be careful as per my brothers' constant reminders. I stood up from the couch, the R2D2 and C3PO blanket draped across my shoulders and Hobbes in my arms, and made my way over to the desk, alerting Massy of my presence.

Seeing me, he quickly ended the call and hoisted me onto his lap. "Ciao, bambino. (Hello, baby) Did you have a nice nap?" He rubbed my back and smiled down at me. "Sì, fratello." (yes, big brother) He smiled at me and rubbed my head.

"How was your first day?" I smiled, thinking back to the fun things we did. "It was awesome! Sio and ZoZo walked me to class and Ms. Keelan was super duper nice and she gave me a bouncy chair and we did multiplication which was easy-peasy

And then we started reading a book about a gorilla who was stuck with mean people and then we wrote about what we did this weekend and I wrote about how we went and bought my backpack and all my stuff and then we had lunch and I saw Zo-Zo and Sio and their friends

Oh and also Finn is in my class and I met some of his friends like there's Louis and Zayne and Diego but Diego's in Mr. Mayer's class because he's got autism—what does that even mean by the way?

But anyway then after lunch we played outside and we played hot lava monster which was so cool I've never played it before and it was so fun and then we went back to class and we learned about the Native Americans and then we did a science experiment and then you picked me up!"

I finish with a huff, and Mass just looks at me with an amused expression. "That sounds like a pretty good day to me, bubs. I'm glad you enjoyed it. You said Finn is in your class?" I nodded my head eagerly. "What were his other friends' names again, buddy?"

"Well there's Louis who's like super duper smart and he likes reading the A-Z Mysteries just like me! And then there's Zayne who's like super tall and he says he has an overactive imagination and then finally there's Diego who's kinda quiet but he's like really really nice and he's got autism."

"They all sound very cool, bambino. And to answer your question, autism is something some people have where they don't like being social, and they really like doing the same thing over and over. People with autism also have trouble focusing like you, bubs."

That makes sense. That must've been why he was wiggling his hands. I like doing that too, though. "Aha! That makes sense. Thanks, Massy. Can I go build legos now?"

"Of course, bambino. Go have fun." I quickly jumped off his lap and ran out the door, towards the living room. Mar had bought me new legos as a prize for finishing my first day of school, but he said I couldn't touch them until I actually got home from school. The anticipation had been killing me.

I snatched the boxes off the coffee table and got to work.

~ ~ ~

Before I knew it, everyone was home and it was time for dinner. I had told all of my brothers about my day as they had trickled in throughout the afternoon and evening, and now we all sat down to eat Fran's famous lasagna while my brothers discussed their days.

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