Chapter Eight

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Hey allll!!!
So this chapter is a tad short but that's because the next one will be long and a bit spicy so I wanted to end it before going to far and having to end it in a bad spot lol!!

Please don't forget to vote, comment, share and give a follow for more!!!

Enjoy 🧡

After a sleepless night filled with tossing and turning, I lay awake as my clock stares at me in big red numbers, 4:56am.
I sigh with annoyance and flip onto my stomach as I press my face into my pillow, letting out a small groan of frustration.
I haven't slept a wink. My mind won't stop racing, my body itches and not because of poison ivy, and to top it all off... I'm due for my period in a couple days so I'm starting to pms and I am not in the mood.

As if on cue, I get a lightning bolt of pain and cramps in my lower stomach, causing me to wince.
Curling into a ball, I lay in fetal position on my bed, holding my knees as close to my chest as possible.
It helps.. barely.. but it helps nonetheless.

I feel tempted to leave my room in search of a heating pad, but then I feel the anxiety and butterflies arise to my stomach on top of the cramps. What if I run into him?

My heart begins to race as I release a shaky breath. My nerves are destroyed all because of this man.
I used to be annoyed at the plain sight of a guy in my space, but now I'm annoyed that Alec isn't here in my personal bubble.

Damn. I'm ridiculous, I just know it.

As I lay there in my bed, I hear a door down the hall open.

"Yeah, the girls are still asleep so it'll just be me."
I overhear Alec talking softly on what I can only assume to be on his phone as he makes his way down the hall.
I get up slowly from my bed and tiptoe to my door, cracking it open as I hear his footsteps make their way down the stairs.

Peaking my head through the door just enough, I can barley hear but I'm lucky to hear just enough. "I don't know Dad. I'm sure they'd love to help out on the farm too, but I just don't think they're prepared for how much work it really is. How much labor it is. It's demanding." He sighs, as I hear him pressing the buttons on the coffee machine.

I stand there for a moment before making the abrupt decision to tag along and help out.
I'm not sure if I'll regret it, but I know I'll regret not going so either way I may lose.

I quickly undress out of my pajamas and slip on a pair of jean shorts, a bra that I can't entirely see what color it is in the dark, and a tank top that I assume is grey or blue.
I throw on my socks and sneakers, and run a brush through my hair, leaving a hair tie wrapped around my wrist.

I scurry off to the bathroom and do everything I need to, even apply a coat of mascara and lip gloss before I feel ready enough to be seen by Alec.
Just before I go to run down the stairs, I go back to my room and grab a sweatshirt.
As I spin around to go back into the hall, I bump into a large, warm yet stone-like wall.. with hands that steady me by grabbing the back of my waist.

Immediately recognizing the feeling of his hands, I blush. My backside pressed against his front, and I am now intensely aware of the position we're in.

His body is practically pressing mine into my closed door. His hands gripping my waist for dear life as our bodies couldn't even muster up a centimeter between us.

His chest rises rapidly, as does mine. "What are you doing up this early Daphne?"

"I haven't slept. And I may have overheard your conversation on the phone." I say as innocently as I can, hoping to not get caught for purposefully eavesdropping.

He spins me around but keeps one of his hands on my waist as he places the other on the wall by my head. "So is that why you're all dressed? You want to help on the farm this morning?" A small smile crept its way onto his lips as he looks down at me, and I can't help but blush.

Gosh, is this man just beautiful.

I drag my tongue a giant my bottom lip, my brain feeling like it's going to explode from being on overdrive.

Respond Daphne, respond already!

"I uh... uh huh." I nod, yes but mentally I'm shaking my head at myself for being an idiot who can't speak properly and makes a fool of herself.

"Well, alrighty then. I suggest you wear some boots by the way. It's supposed to rain and the mud will destroy those shoes you have on." He says kindly, putting his hands to his side before running one through his hair.

"Noted. Thank you Alec."

He just nods with a side smile before making his way downstairs.

Rushing back into my room, I grab the only pair of boots I have. Cowgirl boots. Tan with teal details, and a few rhinestones here and there. They aren't tall, just past my ankles, but they'll have to do.

I put my sweatshirt on so I wouldn't have to carry it the whole time and slide my phone into my back pocket.
After making sure I have everything, I take a deep breath before heading down the beautiful wooden staircase.

"Ready?" Alec asks as he leans against the front door. His dark jeans hug his legs perfectly to show off how muscular they are. His white t-shirt doing the same for his torso.
And look at that, he has cowboy boots on. But they aren't as dolled up as mine, but rather muddy and showcasing all of the miles he's probably put on them from hard work.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

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