12 - I love you

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It rang twice before she answered.

I looked at Abel.

She answered.

"Hello?" Her voice was sweet on the other line. Hopeful maybe.

I could hear the music in the background. Of course. Because she's at an after party. Because that's what famous people who just won 4 Oscars do. "Congratulations."

"I'm hoping you heard my whole speech."

"I was hoping you meant it about me." I walked out of the living room and into my office down the hall, "What are you doing?"



"I'm at Blake Lively's after party. Teddy already went inside."

"That seems fun."

She sighed, "There are things I have to say to you but not over the phone. Can you come to my house in an hour? I'll be home by then."

"Yes. I'll be there." I glanced at myself in the reflection of the mirror hanging on my wall. I need to change and shave and fix my hair and pick out a good outfit and do my make-

"Tj knows who you are and he'll let you in."

"Who's Tj?"

"My head of security. He and Gavin rotate shifts watching my house."

"Famous people problems."

She laughed on the other line, "I'll see you soon."

"You will."

"Bye." She hung up.

"Abel!" I ran into the living room, "I'm going to her house in an hour because the last part of the speech was about me and she answered when I called so I am going to hop in the shower and shave every crevice of my body and you need to go and pick out the best outfit possible from my closet."

He nodded and stood up, saluting me, "Aye-aye. Designer, fancy, sleek, or hot?"

I stared at him, unable to believe he just asked, "Are you serious?"

He smiled, "Of course not."

I watched him run down the hall and into my bedroom. I went into the bathroom connected to it, closing the door and immediately getting into the shower.

I use Ouai hair products and they smell amazing. And they're great for my hair. I also have a very very long skin cleansing process in and out of the shower but I will spare you the details of that whole thing.

I washed my hair and moved on to my body, shaving every inch.

41 minutes later, I am dressed, shaved, smelling good, and on my way to Natalie Matthews $23 million dollar 1930s house with too much freaking space.

I pulled up to the large gate that had a huge letter M in the middle. Keeping it subtle Matthews.

"Name?" A man with a beard and Patrick Dempsey style hair walked up to my window, "Oh of course. Ms Matthews just returned home and should be waiting inside for you."

I stared at him as he walked back to the tiny booth and opened the gate for me.

Natalie really has gotten rich. And famous. And even more beautiful than she was in high school.

And now she has four Oscars under her name. And an Emmy.

I parked my car behind a blacked out Range Rover and knocked on the door to the house.

Teddy answered immediately pulling me into a hug, "I was hoping I'd see you before I headed to Kidd's."

"You're not staying here?"

He pulled back, "I have been for about a week but I wanted to be with Kidd and Charlotte on my last night."

"I'm happy I got to see you." I smiled at him, "You cut your hair."

"It was way too long." He smiled back, "We'll hang out next time I'm here?"

"Of course." I nodded, hugging him again.

He stayed like that until I pulled away. Maybe because he knows I needed that. Or because he needed it.

Whatever the cause, it was nice.

"She's in the kitchen." He pat my shoulder, "Good luck."

I stared at him as he got into a small, white car that I couldn't determine what kind.

Then I walked into the house, closing the door behind me.

"Mackenzie?" Natalie came into the large foyer. Her house is huge. "Oh my God!" She came over to me and wrapped her arms around my body.

I hugged her back, burying my head in her shoulder. I really needed this. I really need her.

"I should've called you after we-" I pulled away and cleared my throat.

She shook her head, "I was very cryptic in that note. Then the Oscar nominations and Teddy coming into town and Cassie and Allie and Marjorie leaving-" She cut herself off, "It was a lot."

"Congratulations on the awards by the way." I glanced at the shelf of awards sitting next to the stairs. Impressive collection for two movies and a book.

"So we should talk." She played with her hands.

I watched her play with her hands, "I agree."


"I hate tea." I looked at her.

She breathed out, "Good. I was worried that La got to you."


She led me to the kitchen and pulled out an iced coffee jug and two glasses. "I would make an espresso for you but that can wait."

I nodded, not sure what to say exactly.

She slid the drink to me and stared at her own, "About that night-" She looked up at me, "I am sorry I left like that."

"You have responsibilities." I shrugged, reciting the same thing I've been telling myself for weeks. Months. Years.

"But you're more important than that." She waited until I looked at her, "I know that now. I have always known that but I was too scared to admit it."

I shook my head and looked back down at the coffee, "You are here because you went to New York."

"Yeah but I'm where I am without you." She sighed, "I have everything in the world except for the one thing that I want."

I looked up at her, completely unable to speak.

She continued, "Everyday for years, I have thought about what to say to you. How to tell you that I am still in love with you without scaring you away forever. I think you are the most amazing human being I have ever met. You're so smart, Mac. You're a freaking doctor. And you're so beautiful. The most beautiful person I have ever seen and I have been in the presence of thousands of famous people. They don't compare to you. You're so wonderful, Mackenzie." She stepped closer to me, "I am still in love with you. I have always been in love with you and I am standing here hoping and wishing and praying that you still love me. Because if you don't, I am making myself look like a fool. I was an idiot kid and I regret it every single day but if you don't still-"

I kissed her. She has always rambled when she's upset or at all overwhelmed. That's one of the things I love about her.

I pulled back from her, "I have loved you since the moment I met you, Natalie. I've only ever been truly in love with you. I have missed you more than life these past few years and I promised myself I would move on one day but I can't. I can never move on knowing you're out there somewhere. I love you, Natalie Matthews."

She smiled, "So does this mean you do have pictures of me on your walls?"

"All over." I kissed her again, putting my hands on her neck to pull her closer towards me, "What do we do now?"

She smirked, "Now I give you a short tour to my amazing bedroom."

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