*Rituals (pt - 2)*

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The streets of Udaipur came alive with an air of festivity as the King of Rajasthan, Jai Rajawat, his fiance, Radhika Shekhawat, along with both their families, embarked on a grand procession through the city. The Rajawat and Shekhawat families, resplendent werein their regal attire.
They made their way through the jubilant crowds that had gathered to catch a glimpse of the royal couple.

The city of Udaipur had transformed into a colorful canvas, with streets adorned in vibrant decorations. The scent of fragrant flowers hung in the air, and the sound of traditional Rajasthani music echoed through the lanes. People from all corners of Rajasthan had converged in Udaipur to witness this historic event-the union of their beloved king and the future queen.

Jai and Radhika, seated atop a majestic jeep which was beautifully decorated, Having The Dominant Aura of King & Sweet Aura of Queen, As the jeep moved through the adoring crowd, the streets were lined with well-wishers, They showered petals of roses and marigolds upon The couple, creating a fragrant carpet beneath their wheels., Jai and Radhika's hands gracefully folded in the namaste gesture. they bowed their heads in respect to the elders among the crowd.

The procession eventually arrived at the magnificent Pushtenik Udaipur haveli, a historic palace that had been meticulously prepared for the grand wedding ceremony. The haveli's gates opened wide to welcome the royal entourage. The sound of traditional drums and trumpets filled the air as they entered the palace grounds.

 The sound of traditional drums and trumpets filled the air as they entered the palace grounds

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Inside the haveli, a breathtaking display of opulence awaited them. The palace was adorned with intricate tapestries, chandeliers, and vibrant flowers. The guests, dressed in their finest attire, eagerly awaited the royal couple's arrival. It was a moment of pride and unity for the people of Udaipur and Rajasthan as they celebrated the long-awaited union of their King and Queen.

As Jai and Radhika stepped into the haveli, they were greeted with thunderous applause and cheers from the assembled guests. Their love story had captured the hearts of the people, and this grand celebration was a testament to the enduring traditions and rich culture of Rajasthan. It was a day that would be etched in the history of Udaipur, a day when the city and its people came together to celebrate love, royalty, and the promise of a bright future for their King and Queen.

केसरिया बालम आवोनी, पधारो म्हारे देश जी

पियाँ प्यारी रा ढोला, आवोनी, पधारो म्हारे देश

पधारो म्हारे देश जी, पधारो म्हारे देश।

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