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LISA HAD ATTEMPTED to head back to the biology lab, but there had been several zombies in the way.

She nonchalantly walked around them. Six of them raised their noses and sniffed the air, or at least, the ones who still had noses. But they weren't concerned and quickly ignored her.

And then a human popped out from behind them.

"Hey, you seem familiar," said the female voice.

Lisa peered at the woman. "I think that's because we saw you in the cafeteria at some point."

"Right." The woman looked worried and turned and walked away.

"Wait! We can team up and help each other. Do you have friends here?"

The woman kept on walking, not replying. She looked a little bit guilty.

Lisa ran up to her and grabbed onto her arm.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the young woman accused.

Lisa wouldn't let go of her arm. "Hey, dummy. In case you didn't notice, there are zombies all over this campus. We, the living, need to get together to form an army. And also, because I am working on a vaccine to protect you."

The woman laughed at Lisa. "As if you can make a vaccine in only five minutes. Your little fiasco of a bite did work. I had to burn it to stop becoming infected." She rolled back her shirt.

Lisa sighed, letting go of her arm. "Well, we have already had great success, as you can see. See how the zombies are ignoring us? But they won't be ignoring us for long if the virus evolves."

Some of the zombies wandered around and sniffed the air, confused. They looked in Lisa's direction, then kept on going.

"What's your name?" asked Lisa.

"Just call me Fifi. I do have a team but I don't think they want to deal with your kind. What do you call yourselves anyways? Zumans?" She laughed.

Lisa was doing her best not to get angry. "Zumans. Right. There is something called a vaccine. You do know that most vaccines inject a small amount of the virus or bacteria into your blood, so your immune system builds up antibodies? For example, the ebola vaccine, or the covid vaccine. Just because you have the vaccine doesn't make you a zombie." She paused for a bit. The other woman didn't seem afraid of her, but Lisa could see the gun she carried.

"Oh, you're an anti-vaccer! I get it! I mean, I don't." The other woman didn't respond. "And how ironic that you now have protection from my bite, yet you refuse to acknowledge it."

Fifi wasn't responding, so Lisa tried another tactic.

"Say, where you guys hanging out? I mean, we won't go there, if you want. We'll respect your headquarters."

"Oh, in the men's dorm room. I guess I can tell you that. There are some rumors going around about your zombie vaccine. I'll leave it up to people to decide on that. I've seen the notices around here too."

Lisa smiled inside, glad that Solomon was getting them up.

"But I'm sorry. You seem all right. Your eyes occasionally glow green though, did you know that?" Fifi looked at Lisa, but she refused to take a step back, like she was scared or something.

Lisa smiled. "Yes, Solomon told me that happened one time. Don't worry though, we don't crave human flesh. We get hungry more often, but we can eat anything." Then she laughed. "I mean like granola bars or chocolate."

It was odd but Fifi suddenly became uncomfortable. "Uh, I think I'd better be going. Tell your friends to stay away from the dorm rooms. If anyone on my side wants, they are free to go to your bio lab for your stupid vaccine."

"And yet you had it. Say, what happened to your friend, the one that Solomon bit?"

"I shot him. For some reason, he turned quickly, while I had a chance. Now, go away. Please." She pointed in a random direction.

Lisa nodded, not saying anything. She was uncertain if she had an ally or not. And there was something else off about Fifi. She shrugged inwardly. She raised a hand and waved as Fifi went on her way.

"Odd one. But I guess it is freaky how we're a little bit zombie now." She watched Fifi shot a zombie in the head. Which them attracted ten more her way.

"Her problem, not mine," Lisa whispered to herself. "Dummy needs to use a knife, not a noisy gun."

Lisa headed on her way to the biology lab, nattering at herself. "If I bit her, then she is like us. But maybe, since we only have a bit of the zombie virus in us, she has fewer zombie traits, such as green glowing eyes. So, maybe that is the key. It's too bad, as her blood might make a better vaccine than mine."

Then she smiled. Fifi just had to learn to shut up. And Lisa could try to recruit her to help at the lab at a future date. Fifi would be fine until then. Lisa headed up the stairs to get inside the building. With this additional knowledge, she wondered why Fifi had been so hesitant in talking to her? Maybe it was because she didn't want her gang to know that she and her male friend had been bit?.

"Hmm? Unless I am missing something? Something that I'm not aware of?"

Lisa shrugged. She had finally reached the biology lab. She turned the knob and opened the door. She took a step inside.

Light from the open window blinds flooded the room. It was a nice bright day.

Then Lisa took a look inside the room and screamed. "What the heck is that?"

She backed up, then ran back into the hallway. On second thought, she jumped back and grabbed the door and closed it.

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