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"EDUARDO!" cried out Lisa, as she shoved into a small room. He tried to stand up, but was tied to a chair.

"Lisa! So good to see you! But not really. I don't know what these jerks are up to. I came down to the basement to see if there was a reason for the zombie plague."

Lisa was shoved into the room by Fifi and her accomplice.

"Stay!" she was told, like she was a zombie dog.

"I saw the zombies tied up and hanging from the rafters. Someone has definitely been doing some research here."

Fifi and her accomplice forced Lisa to sit down in the chair. She was quickly tied up with a rope.

"Great, and it's not even date night," she joked to the cute guy. He ignored her. He and Fifi left the room.

"I wonder what Solomon is doing?" asked Eduardo.

"Probably still putting up notices. Isn't that effin' great?" replied Lisa.

Eduardo nodded. "Yep. If those jerks don't want our bite-vaccine, then they could just stay away. There are more dead than living now. It's not like there are many options."

Lisa nodded. "And it's obvious that Fifi's team is the one responsible for creating the zombie plague in the first place."

Eduardo agreed. "Didn't see that coming. Just thought it was a spin-off of Covid-19 for a moment."

Lisa struggled in her chair. "You know, if I can move my chair over to you, I can untie you, and vice versa."

He smiled. "Okay, but I think they locked that door. Is there any point?"

She tried not to do her usual impatience around her friend. "Yes. We'll work through it one obstacle at a time. She jiggled back and forth until her chair moved his way.

It wasn't long before they were both loose of their bounds.

"Sshh!" called out Lisa. "Someone is out there."

"Back to the chairs," commanded Eduardo. "We'll sit and pretend we are still bound."

She did as told.

The door opened a few seconds after.

"Solomon!" cried out Eduardo and Lisa in unison.

Fifi came in and dropped another chair into the room. Her two cohorts shoved Solomon inside and made him sit down on the chair. He was rapidly tied up.

"Wait here," commanded Fifi, as if they even had a choice. She left the room.

"What are we going to do?" asked Solomon.

"Quick," said Eduardo. "Lisa, get him loose."

Lisa hopped up and quickly got Solomon loose from the ropes. She whispered a plan to him.

He nodded and smiled. "I can't believe these jerks. They kill three quarters of the human race just for fun?"

Eduardo nodded. "It appears that way. They could have just programmed a new video game or something."

Solomon sighed. "Or downloaded one of the hundreds of zombie games out there. There are enough to play zombies for the rest of their lives."

Lisa smiled. "Well, technically, now there are enough real zombies for them to kill for the rest of their lives too."

Her two friends had a loud chuckle over that.

The door then banged open. In walked Fifi.

"Are you the leader here?" asked Eduardo in a derisive manner. "You must have chopped off the balls of the other guys here for them to let you lead."

Fifi didn't like that comment so she went over and slapped him on the face.

"Why are we here?" called out Lisa, trying to keep Eduardo from harm. He'd had difficult childhood and was a know-it-all but he was still a good person, as she often saw him give money to the homeless when they visited downtown Manila.

"Yah, why didn't you just kill them after experimenting, you losers?" asked Solomon.

Lisa inwardly smirked. He must be annoyed to say that.

"We could have, but we want to do some more experimentation," Fifi replied.

"Is that right?" asked Eduardo.

"How will you do that?" Lisa probably shouldn't have asked that. "The lab is upstairs. We would consent to you testing our blood."

Fifi laughed, and jabbed Spence in the shoulder.

"And I thought you were my friend!" called out Solomon.

Spence shrugged. "We are going to chop up your bodies and see if anything is different inside. There is one telling trait in every single zombie that we initially infected from the start." He smirked.

Fifi slapped him on the arm. "You're giving away secrets."

He glared at her. "Does it matter? We've got them tied up here. They're all dead. We can start with one and let the other two watch."

That seemed to greatly interest her, so she quietened.

"What is that?" asked Lisa, curious.

"We started by infecting tapeworms with the zombie virus that ants get," Spence started to explain. "Then we fed infected tapeworm meat to the victims. It was only a matter of time before they started turning."

"Oh!" said Solomon in understanding. "Was that why you started opening apart the infected? To see if it really was the tapeworms that had caused them to turn?"

Spence walked smugly up and down the room. "You got it. Thought I prefer to say that we did proper autopsies on the infected dead."

"Then, is that experiment done?" asked Lisa. "We could help you to remove the dead zombies from the building and bury them. There is quite a stench here. It's time to clean up." She smiled.

"Nah," said Fifi. "We'll soon be leaving here. When the rest of the zombies are dead." She leaned forward and whispered to Spence. He nodded and left the room.

"In just a moment, we'll have a big gathering here," she explained to them.

The three friends looked worriedly at each other.

Then a large intake of young adults entered the room.

Eduardo mentally counted about thirty people in total.

Fifi came back into the room.

"Good, we're all here now. Who shall we start with first?" she called out. "Lisa? Eduardo? Solomon?" She pulled out a large dagger and held it in her hand.

ZOMBIE UNIVERSITY IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon