Chapter Two

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"What the fuck?"

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"What the fuck?"

I scream and spring up from my bed, damn near falling on my ass. I put a hand up to my chest and looked over my intruder. He's wearing a grey Lakers hoodie, grey sweatpants, and Adidas on his feet. His black hair falls in front of his hazel eyes, making them appear darker. His jaw is strong, his five-clock shadow is evident on his face. His full lips shine as he wets them.

He stands at my door with luggage behind, "Um, what are you doing in my room?" I ask, shifting on my feet.

"Your room?"

I nod, "Yep, this is my room."

"No, this is MY room, it has been for the past year." he looks me over, "And I'm 99.9% sure that this is the men's dorm, and you are a girl, obviously." He points to my shirt, and I look down. My shirt is buddled up against my slim waist, exposing the skin. My boobs are halfway out of the top of my shirt.

I scrambled around and fixed my shirt before looking back at him, "There was a problem with my dorm, and I was told that this room was empty. Apparently, the person dropped out."

He shakes his head, "Nah, I didn't drop out, I just had some financial issues that I took care of." he moves over to the bed across the room and sits down, "But, I've been traveling all summer and just drove back here from California so I'm fucking tired so if you could leave, that would be great."

I scoff, "That's not happening," I cross my arms over my chest, "I'm all moved In already." I glance at the mandatory clock on the wall, "and definitely not 1:30 in the morning, I'd probably get assaulted if I went out this late." I add.

He huffs and lays back on his bed, leaving me standing in the middle of the floor like an idiot. "You can stay the night but tomorrow, we getting this shit figured out because I'm not sleeping in a room with a girl who's not my girlfriend."

"Right," I agree, "and I'm not staying in a room with a guy." I grab my pajamas as the boy surprisingly falls asleep fast and I make my way into the bathroom to change. After changing into my Winne and the Pooh shirt and shorts—don't judge me—I walk back into the room to find him sprawled against his bed, his feet hanging off the side.

I walk over to my bed and get under the covers; I fall asleep in a short time as I listen to his snores. I didn't even get his name, rude.

— <> —

"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. All of the rooms are taken. If one of you can afford off-campus housing then I would recommend that."

I stare at the middle-aged woman, my mouth agape. "S-so you're telling me, I have to live, breath, and cohabitate with this man?"

"Yes, and Mr. Brown here has agreed to live in the dorm with two rules." She adds, look over to the devil of a man. "You'll keep a clean place, and you won't associate with him outside of the room."

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