Entangled In The Spider's Web

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Third Person PoV:

Location: Divine City of Arachnumec, Mexico

The Einherjar marched towards the location of the primitive city that had been blocked from Heimdall's vision by a sorcerer from Midgard. They just had to finish surveying the location quickly for any suspicious activity and then they could return back home.

It took but a few moments to reach the edges of the site of suspicion. Upon closer inspection using basic sorcery that even warriors who looked down on sorcerers knew, what had blocked Heimdall's vision was nothing but a flimsy barrier with some sort of anti-scrying and anti-detection enchantments added on to it.

"It seems the Midgardian sorcerer was nothing special after all. While this unknown magic is intriguing indeed, it is obvious that such a pathetically weak sorcerer is not the one we are looking for." An Asgardian remarked derisively.

While other warriors concurred with the statement, they were ignoring a simple fact. How could a wise and knowledgeable Asgardian like Heimdall, who had kept watch over the Nine Realms since being entrusted with overlooking the Bifrost, be fooled by flimsy magic?

For these warriors at the height of ignorance, such a fact did not matter. They lacked caution which came with wisdom derived from experience.

Granted, they were sent here by the All-Father as he himself did not have great expectations of this little expedition if it could be called that. Something that would be casually asked about once before putting it aside forever.

Ultimately, it amounted to honing the skills of the most novice soldiers, allowing them to gain whatever limited experience was available.

"We just have to take a look over this settlement and then we can leave. Don't waste any more time." The warrior in charge of the platoon spoke as they started carving a gap in the barrier. He did not try to dissuade the remark as he felt the same way.

A small portion of the barrier was soon covered with visible cracks due to the effect of the magic that some of the sorcerers used. Soon, the barrier was opened ever so slightly and the settlement hidden on the inside became visible.

The Einherjar entered the barrier and witnessed a somewhat dilapidated city. The reason it was somewhat dilapidated was that it seemed as if the city was being repaired. Despite this, no humans were visible as far as the eye could see.

The leader of the Einherjar, Bjorn Harson, harboured a deep sense of foreboding as he observed the sole survivors of the city if they could indeed be labelled as such. Without a doubt, they bore the unmistakable traits akin to those dwelling in Hel.

"The barrier...?" A warrior exclaimed as he saw the barrier rapidly closing and all the cracks vanishing.

"Break open the barrier quickly!" Bjorn ordered. The sorcerer's efforts to pry it open again were rendered futile as the barrier seemed unbreakable, a stark contrast to earlier.

Bjorn now knew where that foreboding came from. They had operated under a false premise until now that the flimsy barrier was cast by a weak Midgardian sorcerer to hide this city. It was more likely that the barrier was a trap to lure in intruders.

While the sorcerer certainly seemed powerful in their mastery over this unknown magic and possibly more powerful than all of them, Bjorn did not despair. Asgardian warriors were trained to remain calm under adverse situations.

This was especially true for Bjorn who was the leader of these warriors, even if they lacked experience. Of course, he could not let his pride get further in the way of this exploration.

"Everyone, be ready for any attacks. Let's look around the city first." Bjorn ordered as he cautiously started leading them deeper into the city.

They casually disposed of the weak undead scuttering about the city that came in their path. They seemed to act more like workers engaged in construction than warriors defending the settlement.

Marvel: So I'm A Supreme Being, So what?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt