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Third Person PoV:

Location: Outside the Citadel at the End of Time

A new and unknown tale was unfolding. One could behold a mesmerizing and intricate tapestry of time. Sprawling and continuously branching timelines created boundless temporal possibilities.

Within the intricate tapestry of time, the ever-branching timelines began a dance of convergence, where one temporal branch elegantly intersected with another, creating intricate knots of chronological intersections.

This resulted in the formation of a 'web' of time.

These junctures where the timelines intersected could perhaps be referred to as 'Nexus Points'. They served as focal nodes where the multiple threads of possibility gracefully converged and harmonized.

As the timelines coalesced, these Nexus Points were marked as a crossroads of profound significance, where the collective potential of different temporal paths melded together.

It was at these junctures that the very essence of existence seemed to ripple with boundless possibilities, birthing captivating scenarios and extraordinary events.

The repercussions of these timelines extended across vast expanses. Consider this scenario: imagine that a genocidal maniac had exerted influence at a specific juncture within Timeline-A, while in Timeline-B, this malevolent figure never came into existence.

The Nexus Points acted as conduits through which the narrative of Timeline-A bled into Timeline-B and vice versa.

Consequently, the genocidal maniac, absent from Timeline-B's history, seemingly manifested into existence, with Timeline-B now bearing an inexplicable record of the atrocities he had committed

As the Observer gazed upon these mesmerizing intersections, the realization dawned that these Nexus Points held the key to unlocking untold narratives and shaping the very fabric of reality itself.

Each intersection, a crossroads of infinite potential, hinted at a future where the past, present, and future intertwined in intricate patterns, waiting for those daring enough to navigate the labyrinth known as time.

The Observer did not know if these changes were for the better or not. Such was not the Observer's concern.

Regardless of whether this unending chaos was an ill omen or not, the Observer would not interfere for it went against the pledge of non-interference. All that could be said for certain was that exciting new stories were waiting to be unfolded.

Location: Citadel at the End of Time

"What is the status of the insurgents? Remind me where they had fled to again." He Who Remains asked Miss Minutes.

Yes, insurgents. Throughout the multitude of times he had lived this was the first where such bizarre events were occurring. The work of his life, the beautiful sacred timeline had broken apart for reasons unknown even to him and now there was an insurgency. After all, when it rains it pours.

It all started a while after the sacred timeline had branched. A multitude of individuals were discovered to have defected and lost their true life purpose of serving the TVA.

They had apparently been hiding within the TVA and proselytizing their heretic beliefs like a tumour hidden within the body known as the TVA. It was almost like that human organisation known as 'Hydra' which had also done the same in a particular universe.

The reason words like 'proselytizing' and 'heretic beliefs' were used was due to the ex-TVA member's behavior. It seemed as though they had been brainwashed by evil deities into worshipping them.

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