Longgest night-2

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Outside their tranquil refuge, the darkness seemed to stretch endlessly, shrouding any signs of Abhimanyu's presence. The eerie whisper lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the danger that loomed just beyond their doorstep.

Akshara and Abhinav clung to each other, their hearts pounding in unison, as they waited anxiously for the police to arrive. The soft hum of sirens in the distance offered a glimmer of hope, a lifeline to the safety they desperately needed.

In those moments of uncertainty, they found strength in their love, their fingers interlocked, a silent promise to stand together against the impending threat

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In those moments of uncertainty, they found strength in their love, their fingers interlocked, a silent promise to stand together against the impending threat. Their son's safety was their shared resolve, a powerful motivator that fueled their determination.

As the police car pulled up to their home, its flashing lights illuminating the dark night, Akshara and Abhinav felt a fleeting sense of relief. Help had arrived, and they could finally face the sinister force that had intruded into their lives.

 Help had arrived, and they could finally face the sinister force that had intruded into their lives

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Two police officers, a man and a woman, stepped out of the vehicle. Their authoritative demeanor and stern expressions conveyed a sense of readiness. They approached the front door, where Akshara and Abhinav anxiously awaited them.

Officer SINGH, a middle-aged man with a reassuring presence, took charge of the situation. "I'm Officer Singh, and this is Officer Kapoor," he introduced, his tone calm but assertive. "Tell us what happened."

Abhinav, the steadier of the two, began to recount the unsettling events. "We were at a cliff, and someone pushed us, trying to harm us. We managed to escape, and we believe the same person followed us here."

Akshara added with urgency, "His name is Abhimanyu. He's our son's father, and he's been obsessed with me ever since we got back together. We fear for our safety and especially for our son, who's asleep inside."

Officer Kohli, a younger woman with a compassionate demeanor, nodded in understanding. "We'll ensure your safety and investigate this matter thoroughly. Is there any other information you can provide about Abhimanyu?"

Akshara's voice trembled as she described him, "He's a doctor, and he's been acting irrationally. He's made threats and now he's here, lurking outside."

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