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"HELP!" Robin's voice echoed in their little doctor's room, "HELP! HELP!"

"Hey, would you stop yelling?" Steve groaned, "No one's coming to save us"

"When did you become such a pessimist, Harrington?" Matteo's voice caused both of them to whirl around so fast, their chairs jostled together.



"Yeah, yeah, don't cream your pants, I'm alive" All Matteo could feel was pain. Just pain. His body felt like he had survived being tossed into a blender. He tried to take inventory of all his injuries.

His nose was no longer bleeding which he considered a good thing, though there was dried blood still on his face. Every twitch of his muscles, every breath he took, all of it sent mountains of pain through him.

His lungs thankfully worked better now, but he knew he would have several bruises littered on his body.

His face was arguably the worst. He'd gotten kicked and punched repeatedly. He didn't even want to imagine how bad he looked.

With herculean strength, he managed to raise his head slightly to try and make sense of his surroundings.

Steve was to his right and Robin to his left. They were all strapped to chairs arranged back to back in what appeared to be a doctor's room.

Matteo's head pounded as he tried to jog his brain back up to speed.

"Oh my god" Robin sighed, "Teo, shit, you had me worried there. Are— are you okay?"

"My ears are ringing, I can't really breathe, I got kicked in the face and it feels like my stomach is going to crawl out of my throat" He managed to croak. Every word he uttered made him almost black out from the pain, "But other than that, you know... just peachy"

"Well, the good news is, they're calling you both a doctor"

Even if they were doomed, Matteo's spirits rose just by listening to Robin. He couldn't see her properly, but her arm pressed into his and he flexed his fingers trying to reach to his left for her hand.

"Is this his place of work?" Matteo snorted, but that sent pain flaring in his nose and for a second he couldn't see anything. He hung his head, gasping in heavy breaths. "I love the vibe"

"Hey" Steve nudged him. Rough fingers completely unlike Robin's held Matteo's knee. "Shit, don't pass out again.

Matteo just chuckled deliriously.

"Charming, am I right?" Robin looked at all the decor and the tools. "So, okay, do you two see that table over there to your right?"

Matteo tried to blink away his blurry vision and focus on the table she was talking about. Steve looked at him.

"Other right, idiot" Matteo mumbled. He wasn't sure why Steve was grinning so much even though it had to hurt. People didn't usually look happy at being insulted.

Steve listened to him and turned to his other right.

"Yeah, wait— are those scissors?"

"Uh huh" Robin turned to look at Matteo and then at Steve, "Yeah, well I think if we move at the same time, we could get over there and then maybe I could kick the table and knock them into Steve's lap"

"This is why you're the brains" Matteo giggled, "And I'm the muscle apparently"

"Hey, I took out that one guard," Steve protested.

"I helped"

"I take it back, I don't want to be the muscle, I'm the face obviously"

"Boys!" Robin snapped.

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