Chapter 1: Time For Some Recon

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Location: Beacon Cliff, Beacon Academy

Date: 6/27/2030

Time: 0542

David who was on watch with Floyd then walked all over their small campsite waking everyone up.

David: Up and at 'em ladies! We gotta keep going now!

Everybody quickly got up, grabbing their weapons and putting their boonies back on their head.

Clay: Alright captain, where to next?

David looked back at his wristpad looking at where he put a waypoint on the digital map.

David: That way.

He then pointed at a direction in the forest.

David: Set?

Ace: Set sir.

David nodded.

David: Move out, wedge formation.

Soon everyone moved around before they formed a V shape as they continued in the direction.


Time: 0603

Fox Team

Fox Team was now all up and walking through the endless desert, unknowingly walking in the direction they came from.

Gray: You know... do we even know if there really are people out here? It's a desert!

Mark scoffed a bit.

Mark: Say that to the Middle East.

Gray: Fair.

As the team walked through the desert, they passed deserted town after deserted town.

Wei-Lin: There's nothing even here! Everything is deserted!

Dillan then shouted back.

Dillan: That's the point of recon!

Chase nodded.

Far in the distance stood 4 women who were given a mission.

Denny: Do we know where we're even going? For all we know we could be going in the direction we came!

Jared: What? No we're not-

Vincent: We are.

Fox Team looked at Vincent.

Dillan: What!?

Vincent: Check again, we are!

Everyone looked at their wristpad seeing their old drop point on the map still.

Riley: Son of a bi-hi-hitch!

Riley then dropped to his knees, throwing his hands in the air as his XM7 hung from him.

NDGO watched as some of Fox Team's morale drop a bit.

Dew: Uh...

Dallas: Styles! Why didn't you say anything!?

Vincent: Hey I just realized!

Dillan just raised his hand as the team looked at him.

Dillan: Let's wrap it 'round! I think the wristpads got damaged by the sand, not sure though.

Jared: Either way, we're getting a second chance to look for people.

Chase: We also gotta link with Raider Team still.

Emitt: Gah, this is turnin' to a shit show.

Dillan: Then keep it to yourself Winthrop, move.

Soon Fox Team turned around walking towards NDGO who jumped behind some rocks in the desert.

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