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Now, I knew why he was so familiar. I longed to disappear, to find a place to bury myself and escape from the tense atmosphere that lingered after my intense argument with the frustrating person who was about to interview me. Our eyes briefly locked, but I quickly looked away, pretending to be engrossed in something else. The man did the same.

Once the other female candidates had taken their seats, I settled into the last chair on the right. With my head bowed, I nervously bit my lips. They swelled and turned red, a physical manifestation of my anxiety and nervousness.

The room fell silent as a middle-aged man gestured towards a young woman on the opposite side.

“Shall we begin with you?"

The young woman nodded quickly, eager and excited. I could see that she was looking hungrily at Mr. Wesley. I rolled my eyes at her lack of restraint. However, the male interviewer didn’t say anything as he began questioning her. 

“Okay. So, according to your report, you have no prior job experience working as a secretary. But you still applied for a position there. Is that correct?" he inquired.

The woman smiled.

“Yes, I applied for a job to be Mr Wesley secretary, but is having prior job experience truly necessary? Just working with Mr. Wesley would be a huge honor for me,” she replied eagerly, a cherry-red blush creeping onto her cheeks as she continued watching an indifferent-looking Mr. Wesley.

Feeling frustrated, I groaned and rolled my eyes, inadvertently making eye contact with Mr. Wesley who had caught me off guard. At that moment, I mustered the courage to meet his gaze, but his intense stare quelled every ounce of bravery.

Humiliation washed over me as Mr. Wesley continued scrutinizing me with his icy eyes, treating me as insignificant. I could not back down quickly, but his condescending gaze made me feel small and unimportant. However, I smiled, determined to focus on the conversation despite his lingering gaze.

To my surprise, Mr. Wesley jumped into the conversation and abruptly shifted the topic.

“Excuse me, but did you honestly come here to become the next Mrs. Wesley?” he asked with a hint of annoyance.

Just as this unexpected question took me aback, the woman accompanying us burst into the room with a group of large, imposing men. They swiftly carried her away, her screams and desperate pleas echoing in the background. Astonishingly, the man she had professed her love to remained seated, seemingly unaffected by her distress.

I could only sit there, stunned by the rapidly unfolding chaos. I was silent as I struggled to process the odd situation when I heard Carl’s voice, which I detested the most in the world right now.

“Ma’am, I’d advise you to show me some respect. I’m not here for a matchmaking session. I’m conducting interviews for new people to work at my company,” he stated coldly.

I looked at him with disdain, unable to suppress my contempt. He, of course, noticed my stare and glared at me.

“Well, well, do you have something you’d like to add to this conversation?” he asked mockingly.

A sense of regret and embarrassment washed over me instantly. I realized that my previous display of defiance hadn’t been the wisest choice. I shook my head before attempting to gather my courage and formulate a response, but he cut me off by shaking his head at me.

“Well, if you don’t have anything to say, then let’s proceed with the interview,” he declared.

My contempt for this infuriating man burned within me. His dismissive gaze made me feel insignificant and worthless. But what choice did I have? I was here for the interview, after all.

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