Ellie (continued) (Future Series 7)

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"Stop squirming," said Lucy, struggling to brush the toddler's hair into pigtails. "This would go by a lot faster if you stayed still,"

"What are you doing?" said Tim, emerging into the bathroom.

"Her hair," said Lucy, clearly struggling.

Tim chuckled to himself, "Why does our toddler need fancy hair?"

Lucy wrapped a clear elastic around the thin pigtail, "There's nothing fancy about pigtails, her hair just gets in her face when she's at preschool all day,"

Ellie grinned from ear to ear as she looked at herself in the mirror.

Lucy tied off the last pigtail and gave a satisfied smile, "Now to braid these pigtails,"

"Braid?" said Tim.

Lucy frowned at Tim, "She came home yesterday with a huge knot in her pigtail, it took forever to brush out,"

Tim shook his head, "Are you going to work today?"

"Yes," said Lucy, tying off a small braid. "Tamara is taking her and picking her up today,"

Lucy's schedule with work had been all over the place. Between arriving late and leaving early to take and pick up Ellie from preschool, she was only going in four times a week.

"Tamara is going to spend the weekend at her so that's two more days I get to go in," Lucy smiled, helping Ellie off the counter.

"Five days of work? That's a record," said Tim. "You know that I can take time off to take her too, right?"

"Yeah right," Lucy scoffed. "You would drive yourself insane if you didn't work. You're a man of never changing schedules."

"That's not true," said Tim, playing fake-offended.

"It is so true," said Lucy, packing food into a lunch box. "Give me two minutes and then I'm ready to leave."

"Tamara?" Lucy called as she made her way upstairs.

"Yeah?" Tamara called back.

Lucy found Tamara in her bathroom, brushing her hair.

"Tim and I are leaving soon, Ellie's lunch, water, and bag are packed. She ate breakfast and everything is all good to go,"

"Sounds good,"

"And she starts preschool at 9 and ends at 2,"

"Perfect," Tamara says, turning to face Lucy.

"Are you sure you can watch her the entire weekend? You don't have any plans?"

Tamara shrugged, "I didn't plan anything, besides, you've taken off of work too much,"

"I know, we're trying to find a full-time babysitter so I can go back to work every day but they're all so expensive,"

"Didn't Angela and Wesley recommend you some?"

"Yeah, but they're all way too expensive,"

"Seriously? You don't even need someone to work crazy hours, just from 2 to 8,"

"I know, that's why it's so insane,"

Tamara gave Lucy a sympathetic smile, "When I'm on break I can watch her,"

"Thanks," said Lucy. "But Tim and I need to head out now, we will see you after work,"

Lucy ran downstairs to find Tim already standing at the door with her bag.

"Okay," Lucy says, kneeling down to be Ellie's height. "Mommy and Daddy are going to head out now and Tamara is going to take you and pick you up from school, okay?"

Ellie nods her head as Lucy plants a kiss on her forehead.

Lucy heads for the door with Tim.

"You know that Grey and everyone else is going to make fun of you if you cry, right?"

"I know," Lucy frowned.


A/N: HELLOOO!!!! sorry that i haven't written in a hot minute, i'm having a huge writing block rn. hope you enjoy this little story, it wasn't super chenford focused but i'll try to keep the upcoming stories more focused on them. leave suggestions for more stories!!

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