Secrets and Lies Pt. 2 (6x05 SPOLER)

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It took Lucy a lot longer than a minute to come out of her bedroom.

In fact, it took 20.

Tim just stood there for the whole 20 minutes. He didn't dare to move.

He didn't dare to do anything that might make her upset all over again.

He didn't know what he would say or do when she finally would come out of her room.

He felt like an idiot just standing there, he was unsure of what to do with himself.

He just stared at the door, wishing that it would open and that she would come outside and hug him. He wished that she would come outside and that all of their problems would disappear. 

Eventually, she emerged from her room. Shyly.

"Let's talk," she said, gesturing to the couch. 

Lucy sat on the couch, sitting crisscrossed.

She took a deep breath before speaking. "I don't need you to protect me," she began. "I am an adult who can face and handle consequences."

"Yes, but I don't want you suffering the consequences of my actions," said Tim, leaning back on the couch.

"And what are those actions?" Lucy pressed.

Tim sighed. "I will not involve you in this."

"Can you at least tell me who you were with or if you were alone? You need to show some kind of honesty here,"

"I was with someone I met when I was in the army," Tim says, careful when choosing his words. "That's all I can tell you."

" what, met up with an old army buddy for coffee and it had to be this huge secret?"

"It's not that simple," 

Lucy took a breath. "I think that to move forward with this I'm just going to accept that you're not going to tell me anything."

"I want to, Lucy. But I can't. And I don't want you worrying about me either. I'm handling this,"

"I'm your girlfriend, Tim. Of course, I'm going to worry about you, whether you like it or not. You don't always have to be the knight in shining armor trying to protect everyone else,"

"I'm protecting you from my problems,"

"I get that you think that you need to close yourself off from everyone, I do. But I'm here for you. I can handle whatever you're not telling me."

Tim put his hand on Lucy's leg. "I can't. It's for your own good. And I appreciate your concern but I don't want you to have any for me right now."

"So what do you want then?"

"I want to move on from this. I want you to trust me when I say that I'm handling this,"

Lucy paused for a second. Could she really put this behind her? Was Tim and his constant secrets something she could handle?

"I do trust you, Tim,"

Tim finally looked her in the eye. She looked so sad and every second that he kept looking at her chipped away part of his heart.

"We can talk about this later," he promised. "When everything is handled."

"Okay," she whispered, putting her hand on his. 


A/N: this was so very HIGHLY requested LOL. so glad you guys liked the story from yesterday though 😊!! i honestly do wonder if tim will ever tell her about ray and that guy (idk his name im sorry 😭). but lets all just remember what tim said when lucy admitted that her and chris never fought!! alsooo if anyone is looking for a new cop show to watch when you're not watching the rookie, S.W.A.T on netflix is SO GOOD!!! i'm not done with it yet but my chenford heart is in love with street and chris!! i've also heard good things about rookie blue but i've never watched it. make sure to follow me for more updates and leave suggestions for more stories!!

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