Chapter 4

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She goes making eye contact with me for one last time.I go inside and realise how fast time flies.I wonder how cruel is her father to shout so loudly at her,but maybe she did something that's why he was yelling like idiots.Before I sit I see that the girl sitting with Ashley was my sister wait..
Ashley and Anny are friends.Well good
"Hey Anny what are you doing here?"I say heading towards her table.
"Wait you are here I didn't saw you oh please mom told you to keep an eye on me and now you are following me..come on not again this is not fair".She says a little annoyed
"Will you let me speak?".I say a little angrily
"Okay so tell me why are even here?".She says while cringing.
"Me,Alex and our friends came here to have lunch I had no idea you were here.if I knew I would never come".I say heading back towards to my table.
"Stupid".I say while sitting
"What happened is it your sister"?Trevor asks.
"Yeah" I reply
"Well she's also pretty".He says while smirking.
"I'll break your freaking bones".I warn him
"I was just kidding wait did the plan worked?" He says curiously.
"Yeah so listen up,seems like she has a cruel father she went to her home he was calling her not actually calling but shouting and she was about to cry,but then she called someone I guess he was her boyfriend".I say leaning forward
"Oh seems like she is not single oh my poor boy I feel sad for you".Alex says mocking me.
I give him a shut up look.
Ashley walks in but this time her hair is tied into a loose bun and her eyes are wet but I can't see her face cause she is masked this time.She walks in.
I'm coming just one minute she gestures to Marida and Anny.
She walks into the restroom.She comes out all fine just a little weak this time she doesn't even looks at me.
"Okay so where is the food I have to get going or dad will be angry".She says steadily
"You are not going to tell?".Marida asks
"Okay so I don't want to talk about it I don't want to get emotional,cry and be the center of attention so I'll just call you guys when I get home and talk to you while making food".
"Okay girl no problem".Anny says
Where is the food and where is my coffee its been about 2 hours where is my coffee? guys do something. Ashley says while removing the mask and catching me staring.
"Excuse me".Anny says.The waiter walks to their table.
"How can I help you".The waiters asks
"It's been an hour now we didn't got our food please tell me when will we get it or we are leaving".
"I'm sorry I apologise I'll just bring it to you"
He says while going back
"Anny I didn't asked you to be rude it's not his fault anyway".Ashes says while feeling bad for him.
I stare at her much longer this time I focus on her eyes her face.She washed her makeup off her face but she's still pretty her eyes,I try to find the green shade but the brown colour keeps interrupting me.
I look down once I realise I'm staring badly at her.There food came and they start eating and they talk she keeps smiling,laughing a face full of emotions,a heart full of desires.She gets up once they eat the food.She hugs Anny and Marida and smiles and say a goodbye to them.
She looks at me for the very freaking last second while smiling but she isn't smiling at me.She was smiling with her friends.
She walks past me.She smells like cherry lollipop.I hate the fact that this was our first and last meet.She walks out and goes out of the restaurant..........

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