••• EIGHT •••

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••• EIGHT •••

"Maverick, focus!" Coach yelled, causing me to tear my eyes away from Sophie and skate over to Patrick. Patrick stared at me questioningly as I approached him and I knew he caught me staring.

"Why were you looking at Sophie like that?" He asked, and my eyes widened slightly as I shook my head.

"I-I wasn't! I was looking at the girl next to Soph, she's really pretty." I lied quickly and cursed at myself for getting caught. Patrick's face lit up like a Christmas tree when I mentioned that girl, and I knew instantly that he liked her.

"Dude, right? I hope Soph gave her my number because she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!" Patrick exclaimed. I chuckled as I snuck a peek back up to the girls. Sophie was smiling at something the other girl had said, and I wished more than anything for her to smile at me like that for the rest of my life.

"Yeah," I sighed and looked back at Patrick. "Really beautiful." Patrick grinned as he elbowed me playfully.

"Alright, let's focus so we don't get benched our first game." I nodded and skated after him toward our Coach.

As we approached the rest of our teammates, Justin appeared next to Coach, and my jaw clenched as I watched him smile up at Sophia. I looked over at Sophie to see her giving him a small smile, but her eyes suddenly met mine, and I winked at her. Her cheeks instantly turned red as she bit her lip to hide her grin, and she quickly looked away. I chuckled softly to myself and then looked back over at Justin to see him staring back at me angrily.

Coach Sullivan clapped his hands together, and I raised an eyebrow at Justin challengingly, but he just shook his head. "Alright, before we move on to the next drill, I just wanna introduce our new members on the team," He smiled at Patrick and me. "Over the weekend, we acquired Patrick Lincoln and Ashton Maverick from the Bruins. I hope everyone on this team can welcome them and show them the ropes around here."

"Don't worry, Coach," Justin smirked at me, and I clenched my jaw to keep myself from smacking that stupid smile off his face. "We'll make them feel right at home." He skated off with the rest of our teammates following after him, and Patrick whistled.

"Why do I get the feeling he doesn't like us very much?" Patrick chuckled, and I shook my head.

"I saw him flirting with Sophie outside, so I pretended that I was her boyfriend, and he did not like that." I informed him, and Patrick sighed.

"Damn, well I hope he gets over it because I'd hate to have to kick his ass." I chuckled as I shook my head at him. Patrick had always been protective of Sophie, and Justin Thorne had a terrible reputation for sleeping with any girl he could get, so I knew Patrick was going to do anything he could to keep him away from her. "Thanks for protecting Soph. Justin is the last guy I'd want my sister to date."

At that moment, I wished more than anything that I had the balls to tell him how I felt about Sophie. But, I knew it wouldn't get me anywhere.

"Let's go!" Justin yelled out to us. Patrick scoffed as he fixed his gloves and then smacked his hockey stick against mine.

"What do you say we show this asshole how to play hockey, huh?" Patrick grinned mischievously at me, and I smiled widely back at him.

"Let's do it." We skated off towards them, and for the remainder of practice we showed Justin that even though he may not like us, we are a couple of damn good hockey players.

Coach Sullivan blew his whistle signaling practice was over, and we skated over towards him breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Coach smiled proudly at Patrick and me as he nodded his head approvingly. "Let's hope you guys keep that same energy I saw out there today at our home opener in a couple of weeks." We nodded as I bumped my knuckles against Patricks, and he grinned widely at me.

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