16. Couldn't Utter My Love When it Counted

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Year: 125 AC

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Year: 125 AC


"Ser Arthur Blackwood, son of Ser Jonah Blackwood, champion of the tourney at Harrenhal."

Daenys leaned against the balcony railing, her gaze drifting lazily over the collection of knights in the courtyard below. The sun bathed the knights in a warm, golden glow as they stood in their gleaming armour, their shields adorned with sigils that represented their houses. Ser Harrold Westerling's voice droned on in the background as he presented the various knights to her, listing their accomplishments and feats. Daenys nodded politely every time he said something but her mind wandered and she found it difficult to pay attention. King Viserys had asked her to select a new member of the Kingsguard, stating that he would like her to have a personal shield and protector. 

Ser Harrold eyed the bored princess with equal parts amusement and exasperation. It seemed that history had a way of repeating itself, as he remembered Princess Rhaenyra's bored expression when she was assigned the same task years ago. Her daughter now stood in the same spot, sporting the same disinterested look as she idly traced a finger along the intricate patterns of the balcony railing. 

"Lastly, Princess," Ser Harrold declared, "I present to you Ser Atticus Frey, son of Ser Desmond Frey. Knighted at four and ten. He has defended the Riverlands from bandit raids and led a rescue mission to save a village besieged by marauders."

Ser Atticus Frey stepped forward, his armour adorned with the distinctive twin towers of House Frey. His gaze met Daenys's, and there was a spark of something different in her eyes. It was as though his introduction had stirred her from her momentary reverie, capturing her full attention. He looked to be only a few years older than her, and as Ser Harrold continued with the list of his heroic deeds, Daenys made a decision. Ser Atticus Frey would be her sworn shield. 

"Ser Atticus Frey," she said. "Your deeds and dedication to the people of the Riverlands have not gone unnoticed. You have my gratitude and admiration."

A smile graced Ser Atticus's lips, and he gave a respectful bow, "Thank you, Princess."

Daenys turned to Ser Harrold, "I choose Ser Atticus."

The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard nodded at her and as the knights below scattered, Daenys considered herself dismissed. She hurried away to find Dyana who was waiting for her in the adjacent hallway.

"Did they let you go?" Dyana asked.

Daenys grinned and linked her arms with the girl, "They might as well have, I'm finished with this Kingsguard business. Now please take me to see Helaena."

Dyana laughed, leading Daenys through the bustling corridors of the Red Keep. They soon arrived at Helaena's chambers, where she sat in a comfortable chair by the fireplace with two infants babbling at her feet. The twins, a boy and a girl, had inherited their parents' silver hair and indigo eyes, and their giggles filled the room as they reached for their mother's feet.

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