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Sthembiso's POV

Why are they only deciding to make peace between the two families now? In my opinion they are a little too late for such. "Its very much pointless what you are doing. You guys were doing a great job at pretending like everything was okay between you guys so continue the good job you doing. I'll nominate you for an Oscar award and vote for you." I say and she chuckles.

"His right baba there is no point in fixing just continue pretending. Everyone will vote for you guys even the ones that didn't know that this whole friendship or whatever you call it is fake."  says Amukelani. "You two can you please stop with your sarcasm." says her dad and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay then talk things out let's see what you have to offer." I say and they roll their eyes. "Mara nina noma sithi siyazama anizameki." says dad. (We try to do something nice but you don't want.) "You know you weren't supposed to do what you did four years ago cause we wouldn't be here right now trying to clear the tension and make peace." she says.

"In all honesty the tension is between you two me and Amukelani are cool. Or am I wrong?" I ask. "You not wrong it's between you two so you were supposed to sit down like grown ass men and talk things out and not involve us cause we cool." she answers and they sigh. It's so funny how they so much alike yet different at the same time. My dad should have explained things to him that time cause I doubt we would be here today.

"Let's listen to them they might end up beating us for our great sense of dark humour." she says and i chuckle. "Niright kodwa?" asks dad. (Are you guys okay though?) "Some questions are rhetorical and I'm going to assume that's a rhetorical question too." I answer and he rolls his eyes. "No." "Siyaphila nina." (We are good and you.) "Siyaphila." (We are good.)

"I know a lot has transpired between our families in the past four years...and its both our fault. If we had talked it out like normal people do then we wouldn't be in this situation." says her dad. "And now we must clap hands because you realise this four years later?" she asks. "You can come for us after we've said what we wanted to say." She rolls her eyes.

"Our actions affected you and changed your lives and we would like to apologize for all the hurt and pain we've caused you two." says dad. "I also apologize for the pain and hurt we caused the both of you." says her dad. "Isn't it a little too late for such? Like I mean this thing happened four years back and you only want to apologize now." she says.

"I have one question had it not been for Sinokuhle or this war with Melokuhle would you guys have ever called us and apologised for the pain you've caused us?" I ask. "I'm speaking for myself and i don't know if i would have called the both of you and asked for a sit down." answers her dad. "I don't think so too." answers dad. I don't know how to respond to that.

"Then I don't think we need to have this conversation." I say. "We do need to have this conversation. We need to move on from everything and i know we won't move on fully if we haven't resolved or discussed things. Since our families will be apart of each other's lives forever we might as well talk things out and make peace for Sino." says dad. "I don't think you guys understand the pain you've caused us." she says.

"Explain so we can try and make things right." says her dad. "Both of you were never forced to seduce your wives in the name of gaining information. You never had to be alone in the labour ward without your co-parent to help you. You never had to go through what I went through with Sino. You never did so there is no point in explaining and trying to make things right because it won't change anything. In the end things happened the way they did and no amount of apologizing and understanding will change anything." she says.

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