Chapter Seventeen - Addicting

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Juliana's POV 

I wouldn't say that isolation was horrible.

That is if you don't think about the fact that I was restless, I was in pain, I was hungry, and worst of all I was bored.

It's barely 13:00, and after waking up around 5, out of habit of course, definitely not choosing to wake up that early. I had found that there was really not much to do in my room. At least not that I wanted to do when being forced to partake in it as my only choice of entertainment.

I tried messing with my hair, it hurt to raise my arms above my head.

I tried drawing, but ran out of paper. Seeing as most of the supplies were in Elliot's studio, there wasn't much need for me to have much stashed in my room. And the sketchbook that I currently have is for... special occasions.

I tried napping, but there's only so much sleep a person can get.

I tried reading, but that's only really enjoyable when you're willingly choosing to do it.

13:40. That was the last guard change I had witnessed. They didn't completely change very often, while that mainly happened during the day, I would say that they only changed about 2 times a day. They did; however, rotate. Simply moving to a different station around the house.

That had happened 4 times in the past 10 hours. Aka, every 2.5 hours.

What? Have I mentioned I'm bored?

It didn't help that my room had literally been a dead zone today, nobody even getting close to my door.

Today was Wednesday, which meant that every working adult left for the main office. Justin should be at summer school until 5 tonight, seeing as they start and end later than normal in the summer. Hunter, I'm not sure. I know that he gets online work every other week, so I would assume he was working on that.

Okay, so maybe solitary confinement was getting to me.

That being said, when my door opened at 15:17 they found me in a bit of an odd position.

I was sitting on the floor, because laying down with pneumonia wasn't a good idea, with one of my legs bent next to me, so that my ankle was behind me. My other leg is resting up on my bed. I had papers and books strewn around me, neatly, because it's still my mess to clean, and I was staring at the 36th page of Icebreaker.

The same page I have been staring at for the past 17 minutes.

"Why are you on the floor?" Hunter startled me, and I jerked around to face the sudden noise, wincing when my hip flexor screamed in disagreement about my newest position.

"Why are you in my room?" I countered, using my hand to manually reposition my leg on the floor, seeing as it had fallen asleep.

"Well I wanted to see if you'd come watch a movie with me, but I can leave if you'd like." He took a half step back and I gave him a look.

"I'm not allowed to leave, remember? Plus, what happens when everyone gets home in a little while?" I tried to be reasonable about the situation. Leaving my room would be a direct disobeyment of orders, but even I could tell that I really didn't give much of a care at this point.

"You coming or not?" He asked and that's how I found myself laying on Hunter's bed watching Grey's Anatomy.

It was honestly kind of peaceful. Even though Hunter and I were by no means the closest in the house, it was almost like a mutual understanding had fallen over us.

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