Chapter 28 - Family

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Trigger Warning

Juliana's POV 

"Still doing okay, Juliana?" The PET Scan tech asks me over the intercom. Right now I'm watching Moana while a big machine rotates around me and takes pictures of my insides.

I don't know how they did it, but they put this thing around my head that had a mirror sticking up out of it.

Then they were projecting the movie upside down on the wall so that I could watch it normally.

After going through the MRI, where I watched Baymax, it wasn't as scary. Especially since I knew what to expect.

Today has been a whirlwind of scans.

They had found something to cover up my oxygen tank, because my breathing is still shit, so that the metal in it wouldn't mess with the machines, seeing as they were all one large magnet.

This morning, around 08:30 or so, they got me an x-ray on my wrist.

Apparently, even with a broken collarbone, it wasn't normal to not be able to wiggle my fingers without pain.

Annoyingly enough, while they did notice I had a bit of a sprain to that wrist, they noticed a deformity in the bone from a previous break that healed incorrectly.

Elijah wants to re-break my arm and cast it up so that it will heal 'correctly'. His reasoning was that by the time I'm out of the cast, my collarbone should be healed.

And I'm going to have to be in a sling anyway, so why not?

They then made me order breakfast, which I got vanilla yogurt with granola and grapes. I didn't finish it, because I am not a morning eater, so they put the 'missing' calories through my feeding tube.

Yeah, I wasn't too happy about that. I can already tell this thing is going to get real old real quick.

"I'm good." I call back, because what good would telling them that this position kills my ribs, and I've needed to pee for the past hour, do?

They got my hopes up by telling me that this scan would probably take less time than the MRI, wrong.

Then they went and injected me with something almost an hour and a half ago, and wouldn't let me eat, drink, or use the bathroom.

But at least they let me have my phone for a majority of the time.

I've been trying to, unsuccessfully, distract myself with movies all day. This morning, before the MRI Elijah had come into my room with a grim looking face. Well, he was trying to play it off, offering me a smile and telling me that child life would be visiting my room this afternoon.

When I asked him what was wrong he brushed it off, telling me it was nothing I needed to worry about right now, but I pulled the, it's my body, if it's something to do with me I'm entitled to know about it.

He grimaced and finally admitted that my bloodwork had come back. Part of me got scared because whatever it was obviously wasn't good, but it was also a good thing, right?

I mean, if they knew the problem then they could get started on fixing it and I could get out of this damn hospital.

All he told me was that he needed to consult a different team, but to be ready to move rooms.

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