Chapter Nine

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Leaving the Moors, the three journey past meadows and paths, making their way to the little cottage that houses the baby Aurora.

While Maleficent has the same stone face, a small smile found its way to Y/N's face. This was the first time she had left in so long. She was always by Maleficent's side. Always following his charge. And today, he said he had wanted to see how horrible those fairies were failing at their one job.

It had taken all of her willpower to not let her smile be seen by Maleficent, who was stopping every once in a while to help Y/N over a large fallen tree, or up a little cliff. It meant a lot, but it also meant she had to school her expressions every five minutes.

Of course it was all her doing. When Maleficent first lost his wings, Y/N had made him a promise. She would never again fly. She was just as grounded as he was that day. And she has kept it. No matter the objection Maleficent had, or the sadness it brought her to never again feel the warmth of the sun that way.

Eventually getting to the cottage, they approach a window that was just cracked open. Y/N stood looking in through the closed window, looking for the fairies, for surely they couldn't be far from the babe.

Maleficent took a more direct approach, and stood in the now very open window. Looking down at the baby, he grimaces, for deep down, he felt something that he would never admit to anyone.

"It's so ugly, you could almost feel sorry for it."

These words grab Y/N's attention, and she looks over from her perch at the window. Looking at the baby, she smiles a little. She couldn't keep her emotions out of her face as well as Maleficent could.

The baby, looking at the two people looking down, smiles and lets out a little giggle. This warms Y/N's heart, and the first pinprick of guilt hits her. She shoves it deep down inside, knowing that no matter how this plays out, she would always be with Maleficent, doing whatever he shall ask of her. Feelings were something she couldn't afford to let out during this.

It's what hurt her so hard in the first place.

Maleficent hisses at the baby with his claws extended, hoping to make the baby cry, wanting to be irritated at the little creature, but all he gets in response is another laugh. This one is louder than the last one.

"I hate you. Beasty."

Looking into the cottage, he turns, knowing he is pushing his luck with time. As he walks away, Y/N takes this second of opportunity to reach through the window and grasp Aurora's little hand.

The burst of happiness she feels lifts her entire spirit. The moment lasts no more than a second, as she must turn quickly and follow Maleficent.

But Diaval notices this little moment. He sees how much brighter his Mistress seems, from that one little touch. And he says nothing.


The fairies were perhaps unequal to their task.

All three of the fairies were outside, only one doing work. The other two were looking down at a crying Aurora, confused as to why she was so unhappy.

"Why is she crying?"

"I think she might be hungry."

Knotgrass stops her actions at this, looking up at the two idiots.

"Then feed her."

The two look around for something to eat, feeling a little slow at not figuring it out sooner. Diaval watches from his perch above them, wondering how long this child would last as they lay a bundle of carrots on her, expecting the problem to be solved.

Maleficent and Y/N sit next to each other behind a tree, out of sight. But not out of earshot.

They sit there, covering their ears, willing to do anything to get the child to stop crying. Maleficent looks over to Y/N, and sees she seems to be in more distress than he is. He was plain annoyed, but Y/N seemed to be hurting from the cries of pain of the child.

"It's going to starve with those three looking after it."

Y/N looks up at this, and the panic in her eyes is enough for Maleficent to decide to take action right then and there.

Waiting for the sun to go down, and the fairies to go to sleep, Maleficent sends Diaval. Going back to the same window that the fairies seem to be leaving her at, he flys in, settling just on the edge of the sill, so as not to frighten the already crying baby.

Carrying a magic flower, he brings it to her, and she instantly starts to drink, the relief instant. As Aurora looks at Diaval with a calm sense of curiosity, he uses his hooks to start rocking the cradle, putting the baby to an even calmer sleep. 

Male Maleficent x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang