Chapter Twenty-One

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Even though they both had their wings, and Aurora was riding on Diaval back to the Moors, Maleficent and Y/N both unconsciously opted to walk back home.

Soon enough, Diaval overtook them, and was deep into the Moors by the time they had walked through the first couple of trees.

They passed many different places that they frequented when they were younger, and we're both lost in their memories as they wandered deeper.

As the sun was making its first motions of descent, they came across Maleficent's old tree. Where he would sleep and lounge when he was just a boy.

Y/N stopped at a low hanging branch, and leaned against it. Staring into the sun, which got lower with every minute, she thought of all that happened.

She was so shocked but happy when she had heard Aurora's voice, and the next thing she knew, Maleficent was making his way through those cell doors.

She was stunned when he had embraced her, and it had taken her a minute to appreciate the warmth of his arms around her.

And then she had felt what he was feeling. Relief and gratitude. Those overpowered anything else he was feeling.

She had felt something underneath it all, but she couldn't tell what it was. He was either trying to hide it from her, or she was getting rusty.

It made sense, since she had not been using her powers as consistently as she once had. That was what she wanted to believe anyway.

She felt Maleficent stop behind her, but she didn't move. Her arms were crossed, one hand laying on her side, and the other where her neck and shoulder met.

She became more alert when she felt something hover close to her hand resting on her shoulder.

Almost without thinking, and while still staring at the sun, she moved her hand ever so slowly, across her shoulder, and going down her arm. The constant warmth followed her.

Reaching her elbow, she turned ever so slightly to rest her hand on the branch beside her, and saw from the corner of her eye Maleficent's hand resting no more than an inch away from hers.

She turns her entire body to face him now, and focuses her entire attention on their hands.

He lifted a finger, and she followed suit, mirroring him to the point that their hands hovered in mid air, still not quite touching.

She would not make this first move. She was tired, and ready to move on if it came to that, but she would wait to see how he felt. And what he wanted after all this time.

And when his palm came into contact with hers, she released a small breath she had not realized she was holding.

She was flooded with feeling. Contentment. Happiness. Regret. Guilt. All of these passed through her before he settled on the one he wanted to eagerly communicate through their contact.


She looked up at him, her brows furrowed, and saw his eyes brighten. His shoulders looked the most relaxed she had seen in so long, as if a weight had been lifted off. And it was that moment she knew that everything would be OK.

That he loved her, and that he knew she loved him. They were going to be happy, and nothing was ever going to change that.

His other hand crawled up her other arm, and jumped over to her waist, and before she could think any further, she gripped his shirt. His hand slipped to her back, and they moved closer before their wings shot them up into the air.

And in the privacy of the clouds, with the last rays disappearing beneath the horizon, they shared their first of many kisses.

True Love's Kiss. 

Maleficent brought down his wall of thorns and took of his crown. 

He invited Aurora to see how the Moors had been once, long ago, when Maleficent and Y/N were but children.  And their hearts were bright.

For now it was again. 

Magic spread everywhere, and the creature all around were smiling in the light. Happy once more with the changes, and the flowers that were newly bloomed. 

Aurora walked through the pathways with a new eye, seeing everything for the first time again, and glad for it. 

It was even more beautiful now than it had been before. 

But that was not all.

The throne that Maleficent had grown in hatred and revenge transformed, turning into a beautiful blossom chair, full of pink flowers. 

Walking up onto the platform in front of the chair, she stood in front of her parents and Diaval, who felt almost like an uncle. 

They looked happier these days, and it was all something that was well deserved after all they had been through. 

Stopping in front of Maleficent, Aurora smiles, and they share a look between father and daughter that is most precious. 

"There she is. Hurry up, they're waiting." 

Three fairies, flustered and late, fly up to the group with  a flower crown.  

"We present this crown for our little Aurora, whom we have sacrificed the best years of our-"

Y/N turned her head slightly, and gave them a stern look.  Not quite a glare or a reprimand, but with a clear message. 

"Never mind." 

Maleficent, having taken the crown, smiled once again to Aurora, and lifted the crown to her head, settling it on Aurora's, golden hair. 

"Our kingdoms have been unified. You have your Queen!" 

All around, cheers went up at the changed that were being made, and what it meant for the future of their kingdom. 

So you see, the story is not quite as you were told, and I should know....

The prince from the forest followed the noise, and found a celebration surrounded by the pretty girl from the woods. Walking forward slowly, he smiled at the happiness around him, and his curiosity grew. 

For I was the one they called Sleeping Beauty. 

Maleficent and Y/N stood off to the side, Diaval a couple feet beside them.  Their hands were intertwined, as they had been since the moment by the tree.  Diaval stayed silent, but felt very validated in everything he had thought and observed over the years. 

In the end, my kingdom was united, not by a hero or a villain, and legend had predicted, but by those who were both hero and villain.  

And their names were Maleficent, and Y/N. 


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