Drowning deeper

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The box feels lighter as I continue to take out the box's contents. The next thing I find is a yellowish paper. I squint at the words and I realize its his and my handwriting. I smile as a warm feeling embraces my heart.

“Am so tired of  eating" I whined leaning on the kitchen island.

“But you haven't had anything Star" Luca said closing the refrigerator.

"Thats what am trying to say....I am tired of eating the same kind of foods. Pizza, chicken wings....ugh" I slumped.

“So what do you want?" he asked going through the cupboards.

“Food" I said but in a complaining tone.

“You got to be kidding me" he closed the cupboard doors and faced me. “We're seriously gonna be doing this?" he folded his arms over his chest.

“Please Luca....am hungry" my voice was like I was crying yet no tears.

He huffed "okay, lets try to make something then” he said looking around the kitchen.

"Yeapy" I said as I walked the the cupboards and started taking out random ingredients. We gather them on the kitchen counter and just stared at them not knowing what to do next.

“Okay, so what now"  he asked looking at me.

“Now we cook" I said grinning at him.

“Uh we have like fifty ingredients here" he said raising brow.

“We will just mix the things we think go well together?" I said it more like a question.

“Ok..." he said unsure. “Lets get cooking" he rubbed his hands together as we laughed grabbing different items and pouring them into bowls.

Each ingredient we added we would put it down on paper. Finally after some cutting and mixing we found ourselves looking at the new dish we had prepared.

Not to brag it looked delicious and quiet appetizing. “Ready?" Luca questioned and I nodded impatiently.

He lifted me off my feet and set me onto the kitchen island. Taking the steaming plate of whatever the name of the meal we had prepared into his hand, he smiled at me.

He shoved the food onto a spoon and I quickly opened my mouth impatiently. He laughed as he fed me the spoonful.

As I took a bite, my taste buds were assaulted by an overwhelming and horrible taste. It was as if all the wrong ingredients had conspired against my palate.

However, not wanting to discourage Luca, who seemed genuinely excited about our creation, I put on a brave face. My eyes widened, and I managed to force a smile, nodding to convey my faux approval.

Luca, blissfully oblivious to my true feelings, took a bite himself. As soon as the flavors hit his tongue, his expression transformed from anticipation to sheer disgust. His eyes widened, and a look of horror spread across his face.

Unable to suppress my laughter any longer, I burst into giggles. Luca's reaction confirmed my own revulsion, and in that moment, we both recognized the absolute failure of our experiment.

Our laughter filled the kitchen, echoing off the walls, and momentarily bringing a sense of relief as we accepted our culinary defeat. It was clear that our grand experiment had, indeed, turned into a comically terrible disaster.

“Am sure the pizza guy is still on shift" I laughed.

“Yeah good idea" he agreed.

Suddenly we fell silent, in that moment, time seemed to stand still as we found ourselves lost in each other's gaze.

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