Chapter 18-Player

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Unknown P.O.V:

"That's the plan, I'll get him back and you can finally get her..." they said

"I don't know, I don't want to mess anything up between them" the other person said 

"Trust me it was already messed up before we even came into their lives" 

"Ok fine...I am in"

Aria Matthews:

After about 15 more minutes of just nonstop singing and laughing at each other's actions we were finally at the nice suburban looking house. I cannot say I wasn't surprised....cause I was. Not because it is not as fancy as what I live in, but because I assumed Justice lived in a house similar to mine but no...

We pulled up and Aaron dashed out of the car while I looked for parking. I circled around and found one right in front. When I got into the space I looked eagerly at the door waiting for this 'Meeting' to be over with. I then saw Aaron come out but in a passionate lip lock with Justice. 

He didn't pull away...he isn't pulling away. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I quickly wiped it away and got out of my car as fast as possible. 

"Are you fucking with me right now?" I said

They then pulled apart, taking big breaths in the process and looking at me with regret, well more so Aaron...Justice just had a mischievous grin on her face while looking at me.

"Oh you two are still together? I thought you had broken up, especially more since Aaron didn't pull away from me. " Justice said 

"Aria I am telling you it is not what you think...She Kissed me! I was trying to-" he said but I cut him off

"Shut the hell up and don't fucking talk to me, find someone else to mess around with and fuck with their heart" with that I got back into my car and sped home

I probably shouldn't have been speeding but I was pissed the fuck off. I parked in my garage space and got in the house only to hear loud moaning and groans coming from the living room.

"Cameron I know for a fact you aren't fucking having sex on this couch-" I said but cut myself off seeing Cam and Katie together

"What the fuck!" I say obviously still mad

Katie didn't say anything she just scrambled around looking for clothing for her to put on her completely naked body. 

"Ari I swear we were going to tell you" Katie said after putting her clothes on, my brother hiding himself with the throw blanket

"You don't get to fucking call me that especially not after this" I said "Get the fuck out of my house and Cameron, don't fucking talk to me, look at me, or even breathe near me. I never EVER want to fucking talk to you again."

I then stormed off to my big room, locked my door, and started crying on my bed. 

Happy fucking birthday to me


Hey guys!

Sorry this chapter is short but at least it is something lol!

OMG KATIE AND CAMERON I honestly never saw this coming lol, and she got her heart ate out and stomped all over On her birthday 

Btw Aria + Cameron and I have the same birthday Nov. 13 

But anyways comment below anything you want to see in the next chapter

Love you <3

Words: 553

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