Soukoku - Parents

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(Don't know the og artist of the fanart :(

Hi! I'm sorry that I haven't written in a while, I've just had a lot of school stuff going on, tests and other things and I've been tired, but now begins a week long break, so I have more time to write again!

Btw big thank you for over 13k reads and almost 200 votes!

Now into oneshot --->

Now into oneshot --->

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Third person POV

Chuuya was in the kitchen making happily dinner. He was humming a song when he heard steps from the hallway.


Chuuya turned around with a smile on his face, letting his adopted daughter Kyouka to hug his other leg.

"I have a question," she said while glancing up at the ginger who was just cutting some vegetables.

"What is it?" Chuuya asked absentmindedly while putting the vegetables in the pot.

"Why don't I have a mom?" Kyouka asked with the most innocent voice that has ever existed on the planet.

The question startled Chuuya and he accidentally almost touched the boiling water in the pot because of that, but he still steadied himself and asked little Kyouka, "Why are you asking?"

"Everyone in kindergarten has mom and dad, but I have only you. Why is that?"

"When a person grows up, they decide if they want a wife or a husband, and then if they want children with them. In my case I decided to do it myself." Chuuya's explanation probably wasn't the best one, but it was the best that he could think of at the moment.

"So grown ups decide if they want a wife or a husband... and you still haven't decided?" Kyouka asks.

Chuuya turns his head towards the pot in front of him so Kyouka wouldn't see his red face, but still somehow manages to answer. "W-well I know who I would want to but there's nobody to be my husband..."

Really, it was kind of humiliating to speak to a little girl about that kind of matter, and as a cherry on top of the cake, be embarrassed about it.

"You want a husband?!" Kyouka jumps a little bit almost stepping on her adoptive father's foot.

"Dinner's ready!" Chuuya grins and feeds a mouthful of rice to the little girl, effectively shutting her up.

He lets out a relieved sigh when she starts eating obediently, not asking anymore about anything.

He lets out a relieved sigh when she starts eating obediently, not asking anymore about anything

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"Atsushi!" Kyouka runs into her friends - who's like a brother to her - arms.

Chuuya smiles at the sweet scenery in front of him, but after still turning to look at the person who walks up to him.

"Morning Dazai," Chuuya tries to speak indifferently but it turns out poorly. The heartiness was still heard in his voice.

"Morning to you too," Dazai answers smiling warmly at him. How was the movie night yesterday? Sorry that I wasn't able to come along because of my work." Dazai apologized rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Oh, no don't worry, Atsushi behaved himself very well! We had a lot of fun with the kids -"

"Mr. Dazai! Mr. Dazai!" Was heard coming from their side, and when they glanced down they saw happily jumping Kyouka there.

"What is it?" Dazai ruffled the girl's raven hair affectionately giving a warm smile to her.

"Baba needs a husband, Mr. Dazai," Kyouka announces like she's talking about weather and not her dad's very personal things.

"Kyouka, no -" Chuuya tries to stop her, but fails dramatically.

"Can you marry him and become my second dad?" She questions. "Then Atsushi can be my real big brother, and Baba doesn't have to be alone anymore! And then we can all live happily ever after!"

"Now stop it Kyouka!" Chuuya kneels in front of her, staring right into her big eyes.

"What did we discuss about thinking before speaking?"

"That we should think before speaking..?"

"Exactly. Now go. Your school starts soon, so go before you're late."

Kyouka nods and runs off with Atsushi. Chuuya sighs and stands up, still looking at the ground not wanting to meet the other man's gaze.

"I'm sorry about that, she just was asking about families and all in the morning, and I didn't wait for her to say that..." He trails off with his face all red.

"Oh don't worry, you don't have to apologize," Dazai replies, and all Chuuya could see was (since he still didn't raise his eyes) Dazai's hands waving in 'don't worry' motion.

"But of course I have to apologize, somebody else's kid just asked if you could marry their parent -!" Chuuya finally raised his head, but to his surprise all he saw was a man smiling like the sun itself.

"And what if I would marry him?" Dazai asked smirk-like-smile on his face.

Chuuya's whole person exploded.

His brain couldn't create a single sentence and all he did was to stare at the now happily smiling man in front of him.

Dazai continued. "What do you say? Of course it's different if you don't want to but?"

Bhah. If Chuuya wouldn't want to. How he could even think that?

Chuuya got cleared even little of his thoughts and he shook his head.

"No no no- Are you now serious? Would you really -?"

"Yes. I don't joke about matters like this." Dazai wrapped his arms around the shorter man's waist pulling him closer. "What do you say? Don't you want to live happily ever after?"

Chuuya couldn't help but to smile. Of course he wanted.

He stood on his toes and kissed his future husband gently. A promise of a new life, and that they will live happily ever after.

Okay people! I freaking finally wrote a new oneshot, and well it's a shorter one, but well :D

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Okay people! I freaking finally wrote a new oneshot, and well it's a shorter one, but well :D

I hope that you're all doing well and woohoo, it's soon halloween!

Love you<3

Word count: 953

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