Victoria Vance

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"Stop, drop and roll! Did you see that? They're getting it. These pups are legit." Liberty says as she shows the group what she has been teaching the Junior Patrol.

"That's amazing Liberty." Alexis says.

"I'm happy for you Liberty but maybe it's time for a break." Ryder says.

"Do you guys want a break?" Liberty asks.

"We don't need no stinking break!" Nano, Mini and Tot shout in union.

"Ha-ha! That's what I'm talking about puffballs." Liberty says before the alarm chimes in on Ryder's wrist computer.

"PAW Patrol. What's your emergency?" Ryder asks.

"Mayday, mayday! This is flight HD9904. We need immediate assistance." A woman says.

"Hang tight. We're on our way. Skye I need you to fly up there and carry that plane down safely. Are you up for it?" Ryder asks as he goes over to a balcony and sees the jet falling from the sky.

"I'm a Mighty Pup. I was made for this." Skye says determinedly.

"We'll provide ground support. Come on pups." Ryder says as he and the others take off running.

"Ryder I think something might be wrong. I don't see Skye anywhere and the jet is still falling." Alexis says as the group gets outside onto their vehicles.

"Ryder come in. This is Skye." Skye says as she comes in on the wrist computer.

"How's it going up there?" Ryder asks.

"It was a trap. They stole my crystal, I've got no powers and this plane is going down." Skye says worriedly.

"Where are you right now?" Ryder asks.

"I can't get a visual. Hang on." Skye says.

"Can you make it back to the airport?" Ryder asks.

"Negative. It's too far. I need a place to land this thing now." Skye says.

"Copy that. We'll have to improvise. Skye we're clearing a runway." Ryder says as the group follows him.

"I need you to set a course for Main Street." Ryder says.

"Did you say Main Street?" Skye asks in alarm.

"Affirmative." Ryder says.

"That's the busiest street in Adventure City." Skye says worriedly.

"It's also the longest. All right pups. We need to make a runway and we don't have much time." Ryder says as the group begins making people leave and getting to work on a runway before the jet makes a hard landing on the road.

"Now that's a nice parking job." Chase says as the jet just barely stops in front of him and Alexis.

"Are you okay Skye?" Alexis asks.

"Aside from all the obvious things? Yeah. Though I don't want to have to do that again anytime soon."


"They're back. Come on. They're back. How'd it go?" Liberty asks as she and the Junior Patrol comes running over.

"Not good." Zuma says.

"Definitely could have gone better." Alexis says.

"Come on. You guys are the Mighty Pups. How bad could it be?" Liberty asks.

"It was a trap. Skye's crystal was stolen." Marshall says.

"Oh. So really, really not good." Liberty says.


"Chase." Alexis says as she and Chase walk outside to see Skye sitting by a ledge.

"Hey Skye. You doing okay?" Chase asks as he and Alexis go over to Skye and sit down with her.

"I can't believe I lost my crystal." Skye says sadly.

"It could have happened to any one of us. Don't feel bad." Alexis says.

"But it didn't. It happened to me. When I was born I was the runt of the litter. Do you know what that means?" Skye asks.

"That you were the smallest?" Chase asks.

"The smallest and the weakest. It's not easy being the smallest. You learn pretty early on that everything's gonna be harder for you. When you're the smallest you're always picked last. And sometimes you're never picked at all. Eventually I realized that if I wanted a better life I needed to take matters into my own hands. I shouldn't even be in the PAW Patrol. Ryder didn't want another pup. And if he did he sure wouldn't have picked one as small as me." Skye says sadly.

"I had no idea." Chase says.

"Me either. I'm so sorry Skye. No one should have to go through something like that." Alexis says.

"When I had superpowers for the first time in my life I didn't feel like the smallest and the weakest. I'd do anything to get that crystal back." Skye says as she shows Alexis and Chase a small pink blanket.


"Ryder! Ryder! Ryder!" Chase shouts as he and Alexis run into Ryder's room the next morning.

"Skye's gone. She took the crystals! All of them!" Alexis says.

"What?" Ryder asks.


"Skye this is Ryder. Come in. Skye do you read me?" Ryder asks before he tries to get Skye to come in on his wrist computer only to get no response as the group gathers where the computer scanner is.

"The computer found the missing crystal. She must've gone after it." Ryder says as the computer beeps.

"Oh no." Chase says worriedly.

"What are we going to do?" Alexis asks.

"Come on pups. Skye needs our help." Ryder says.

"How are we supposed to help Skye if we don't have our superpowers?" Zuma asks.

"Looks like we're doing this the old-fashioned way." Ryder says.

"Then I'm coming with you." Liberty says.

Together Through It All Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie Chase X OC AlexisTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang