Part 3. House of Ever-Growing Horrors

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"Are you sure that this haunted house is actually haunted? Looks like something for little kids," David said as we approached the gloomy, gray 2-story house that was surrounded by dead trees, the moonlight illuminating the decaying walls and neglected lawn.

"Yes, I'm sure. You know what they say. Never judge a book by its cover," Jared said, rolling his eyes at David's whines.

"Really? Because I mean, look at that stupid plastic Barbie," David said, pointing at the inflated real life sized pink dressed dolls that stood side by side at the front door.

"David is right," Jamie chimed in, "We came for some bone-chilling and soul leaving horror, not some little girl's birthday party.

"Come on guys, stop it," I said, glaring at them, "Jared promised that this experience is completely worth it, and I believe him. Quit making fun of him and lets just go in."

"Babe, you don't have to defend me." Jared said, touching my arm, "I can defend myself just fine."

However, when everybody else turned around and headed towards the entrance of the haunted house, he mouthed to me "Thank you" with a grateful look.

Jared was my boyfriend. We have been dating for only 8 months and this was our first Halloween together. He had moved here from New York 2 years ago to our small town in Missouri, and was tall, handsome, long black hair that reached past his shoulders, and he had crystal blue eyes that could strike terror into anyone if he decided to. He said that he previously worked in many horror attractions as a scare actor, and nobody doubted that for one second. He has scared the shit out of many kids if he made a certain move, and he could quickly transform into any of those ghosts from the Grudge thanks to his long hair.

A scream caused me and Jared to abruptly glance towards the entrance of the gloomy and dark gray haunted house where the rest of the group had already reached the entrance where the Barbie and Ken look-alikes stood. As I ran up to them, I found Chloe, one of my best friends, who was sitting on her butt and propped up by her arms. She wore a terrified expression on her face and panted breathlessly, her chest visibly heaving up and down. David and Jamie were keeled over from howling with laughter, their bodies shaking like they were having a seizure.

"What happened?" I demanded as I helped Chloe up.

"One... one of those things moved!" Chloe said, her voice shaking.

"You are so scared by a stupid doll that you're hallucinating, scaredy-cat!" David said, continuing to laugh uncontrollably, "What are you going to do if, IF, something worse happens?"

"Shut up and leave her alone, David," Jared glared at him,

Jared adjusted the Barbie-like doll that Chloe had apparently punched out of fright and stood back to inspect it before he smiled satisfyingly and walked up the creaking stairs towards the partially opened door. He turned around towards us and raised his hands toward the sky.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the House of Ever-Growing Horrors."

"Dramatic," David said, rolling his eyes, "OW!!" He yelled when Jamie slapped him on the back of his head.

"Who's the dramatic one now?" I said, chuckling as David rubbed the back of his head and glared at me.

The door slammed open with a loud thud, making us all jump. Even David. I admit, I felt a twinge of satisfaction at seeing that jerk scared even for a second.

"Come in guys," Jared said, entering the haunted house that emitted a menacing energy. Of course it would. It was the haunted house that contained the myth of a family of four who were found brutally mutilated 35 years ago until they were unrecognizable.

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