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Written for the 'Love At First Bite' contest by the WattpadZombie profile

Trigger Warnings: Gore and brief mentions of attempted suicide

Note: This story has unfortunately not been edited as I wrote it at last minute, so it's far from my best work as of now.

I squeeze my eye through the scope of my VKS and transfix the reticle on the middle of the Undead's forehead. Its rotting hands claw desperately on the chain link fence that surrounds our property, and I can see through the zoom-in that there are maggots wriggling about in its missing eye socket.

Deep inhale… and exhale. The gun kicks back against my shoulder a little as I press the trigger. The bullet flies straight through the Undead’s head, leaving a one-inch gaping hole behind. Black blood pours out in torrents. I watch in satisfaction as its head snaps back from the force and the body falls to the ground.

I lift the mug of steaming hot coffee from the balcony railing and take a sip, the hot liquid pleasantly scorching my throat as the caffeine continues to do its work. The sounds of chickens clucking and goats maa-ing reach my ears. I think about how lucky we are to have managed to scavenge alive animals and finally settle down after two years of roaming the Zombified lands.

I hear light coughing from behind me, and I turn around to see my wife Natalie sitting up in bed. She coughs into her hand a few more times before she catches me looking at her.

“You okay?” I ask as I set the sniper rifle down on the balcony floor and approach her.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” she mumbles as she stands up. She sniffles before rolling her head around, the cracking sound reverberating through the bleak room.

“Are you sure, babe?” I stop before her and reach my hand towards her face. She angrily swats it away.

“I said I'm fine,” she snaps. Her annoyed face immediately softens after. “I-I'm sorry… I just… want to be alone, okay?”

“It's fine,” I stiffly say. She nods and plants a kiss on my cheek before exiting the room.

Natalie hasn't been feeling well since yesterday, and I know that it was the reason why she's acting grumpy. Despite that, I can't help but feel hurt when she rejects my attempts at helping her or offering to comfort her.

I suddenly hear the front door slam close, and panic immediately takes over as my instincts are activated. She doesn't walk outside unless it's completely necessary, and because of her theory that she could be—

My thoughts don't conclude as I rush downstairs, the old wooden steps dangerously creaking under my thundering footsteps. I fling open the door and run outside to find Natalie standing in the driveway with a gun in her hand.

No!” I yell just as she lifts it to her head. I throw myself at her like a quarterback while grabbing her gun hand. We crash to the ground with me on her back as I try to wrestle the weapon away from her.

“Give me the fucking gun, Nat!” I shout as she continues to grip it with an iron strength.

“Let me go, Jess!” She screams at me as she struggles under my weight. She locks her legs around mine and rolls over as I retain my hold on her wrist.

“Release… the… fucking…. gun!” I growl as I slam her wrist against the ground twice. The gun finally falls from her hand, and I swiftly lock my arms around hers to prevent her from reaching for it.

“I… need… to end it!” She says as she wriggles in my embrace.

“Stop it, Nat! Calm the fuck down! Please!” I implore her as I press my face against her cool skin.

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