|03| Heartbreak

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can u guys see the pictures above?

Once I got into school me and my dad parted ways, I wasn't really interested in hearing about my what my teacher had to say so I went to look for Indiah.

"You've had your pouting moment. Now let me have my talking moment"

My best friend shuts her locker door, "I'm listening"

"Look it's very complicated and I never told you cause I don't know I thought it'd be weird. We had a thing going on for awhile, and I may have lied about my first kiss being with Matthew"

She gapes

"I felt so guilty telling you that but truth is it was with Xavier, but what we have-... had is over"

Indiah folds her arms, "Then what was that yesterday"

"A very rare moment of weakness"

"So you like.... have a crush on my brother"


"I did"

"Ew, he's like your brother too-

"No, Malik and Zion are my brothers but I never saw Zay in that way, at all"

She analyses me

"As much as I don't like it, if you guys like each other then why aren't you still a thing-

"We never were a thing-

"You know what I mean"

"That's just-.... it's fine, it doesn't matter"

"Tell me", Indiah says softly

I don't reply for a moment

"Remember my sixteenth"

She frowns a little, "Yeah"

December 3rd -Amariah's 16th birthday-

"This ain't fun at all", Destiny complains

"Quit complaining and put the damn roller skates on", Blair lectures

So daddy booked an amusement park for my birthday, they're closed for the night so that my friends and I can have it to ourselves. It'll be me, the girls and basically my whole grade, it took a lot for me to convince my parents not to supervise. My aunt Ivy will be there though, it was either that or no amusement park.... I don't mind though cause she's cool. Then of course we have the actual workers there too.

But anyway we're skating there cause why the fuck not? My plan is to get high by the end of the night.

"This just reminded me how much I love skating", Indiah travels around the island and King barks as he follows her excitedly

"Ya'll ready to go?"

"Yup. Cheer team will meet us there"

"Let's go already, I wanna see my man"

Blair and CJ have been dating for about 4 months now and they're pretty cute.

Indiah slides over a pair of skates, "Tell Xavier to hurry the hell up"


It makes it a whole lot easier when she sends me to talk to him because then it's less suspicious, I hate not telling her but I'm just waiting for the right time.

"He's so fine", Destiny says un shamefully

"Ew, stop" She replies as I head up stairs

I ignore those comments that Destiny makes

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