Chapter 2 *A Warm Welcome.*

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You sighed, resting your elbows on the windowsill as you closed your eyes, feeling the gentle breeze pour into your room as you smiled.

Today was the day you were visiting the Oletus Manor..

Wednesday, 1889 7:32 Am

You smiled softly at the sight of yourself in the mirror. You had on a more causal dress, as the invitation had stated it was but a small gathering. You admired the simple looks, as they were most flattering to you. One more twirl in the mirror and you began packing your suitcase to go to the Oletus Manor. Once you were all ready, you sat down on your chair for a moment, admiring your life. Its not everyday that you get invited to the mosy popular Manor in the area. You stood up, patted your face twice, grabbed your suitcase and you were on your way.

Wednesday, 1889 10:09 Am

You closed your eyes on your way to the car in the driveway, feeling the slight breeze carry you along...

His eerie chuckle is like a chilling whisper as he walks between the trees. Mist makes it difficult to see, but his imposing and tall silhouette is distinct in the spine-chilling atmosphere. “Come out, you’re all alone now…” He speaks in an unsettlingly smooth voice. Tears stream down your face as you run endlessly through a maze of walls and windows. jumping into each opening you see to put distance in between the two of you, but its no use. No matter how many windows you jump through, how many walls you turn, or how many planks you push, you can hear him right behind you, chuckling into you ear. His grin grows wider, hearing the soft sound of movement. He steps closer, reaching out with his mighty pickaxe, ready to strike.

Your eyes burst open, tears streaming down your face as you looked around confused. You were standing right in front of the Oletus Manor as you wiped your tears..But you don't remember walking or driving here..And you didn't call someone to pick you up..You only remembered running from..something. "Maybe it was all in your head" You said to yourself gently as you clutched your hands together and held them at your chest. Your breathing slowed after time, causing you to sigh gently once you were calm. You thought about what had just occurred in your mind. "I was in a clearance in the woods and I heard someone calling out for me.." You relayed out loud to yourself. Just then, the door opened. There stood a tall, skinny butler, looking in desperate need of a nap.
"Hello..Im Y/N. I received an invitation?" You questioned as you held out the letter. The butler slipped it our of your hands and nodded, opening the door so you could come in. He looked so tired..

.Wednesday, 1889 12:22 Pm.

You stepped inside the Manor, beautiful decor laid upon the walls. There was a Woman's statue In the middle or the room, and on both sides of her laid gorgeous quartz stairways that led to the seconds floor. "Please come with me." The butler firmly stated as he began walking toward your suitcase, picking it up and then making his way to the stairway. "My apologies, but we weren't expecting you today." He said. You nodded and walked with him up the stairs, admiring the Manor while you did so. "The Lord of the manor isn't here, but another guest arrived." The butler said, not looking back at you at all. "Rude.." You thought to yourself.

Wednesday, 1889 12:38 Pm

The butler led you to a large room, where once you entered, he shut the door behind you. The room was beautiful, looking much like a big office. On the side though, sat a big brown piano, and on the piano seat, sat a white haired man. He was playing a lovely piece, and was quite focused on it to, as he didn't seem to notice when you entered. You smiled as you watched him intently as he played so skillfully. Once the piece came to a close, he raised his hands. You smiled as you put your hands together gently, before the butler gestured you forward to greet him. You nodded as you walked forward. You noticed him fixing his glove, and without thinking, you began analyzing him. "His gloves were slightly worn between the index fingers and thumbs..He had a relaxed demeanor, and didn't look like a newcomer..and he was well dress in properly maintained clothing, but they were invoked 3 years ago.."  You thought to yourself. "Mr Kreiburg, this is..-" The butlers sudden words snapped you back to reality, causing you to jump slightly. "-The reporter? I see..Its a pleasure to meet you." The white haired man cut the butler off. "The pleasure's all mine. Please, you can call me Y/N." Mr Kreiburg smiled softly as he spoke. "Hello, Y/N, Im Fredrick Kreiburg."

Your eyes widen slightly im excitement, you've hears of his father; a famous composer. "Mr. Kreiburg, your performance was truly moving. Is it of your own creation?" You asked innocently, smiling gently as he smiled back. "It was composes by a friend of my father's. You see, many in my family, me included, received the call of Euterpe." he explained carefully. You quickly changed the subject, moving on to why he was invited. "Ah. I see, so i take it you were invited for the same reason as I?" You smiled softly as his face suddenly ran cold. "Forgive me. Im afraid we're not close enough for me to share this secret with you." Mr. Kreiburg turned toward the butler, and began walking toward the door. "Im a little tired, so i plan to return to my room. Farewell Y/N." And with that, he walked out the door, the butler silently following him after nodding to you. You held a hand up to your chin as you wondered. "A familiar, in an unfamiliar place.." You thought silently. The reporter in you wanted to wander around the room, and so you did. Walking over to the fireplace, you thought to yourself as you ran your finger along the top; "A little old, simply maintained, but cleaned well." The oil painting that hung above it also caught your eye. "An oil painting of the Mirror of Venus. I remember it from somewhere..."
Though just as you begun thinking of where you saw the painting, the door gently opened. "Your room is ready. Please, come with me." The butler spoke quietly. You nodded silently as you made your way to his standing position. He led you up the quartz stairs and down the hall, to a nice small room. "This is your room. I'll excuse myself if there isn't anything else you need." The butler waited for a moment, and then left you to get set up in your temporary living arrangements. You stepped toward the window, looking outside as the afternoon sun peered in. Just then..Your blood ran cold.

Something out there was calling for you.

~..So warm..~ (Fools gold x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now