Chapter 12 *Endless running.*

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You looked over at the rat. who came back for a second sip. "What's it doing back here?" You asked yourself before the rat ran away once more. Although this time..

A shadow of someone..moved away from the light.

You gasped slightly before getting up immediately, calling out as you ran for the ladder. "Who's there!?" You yelled as you climbed swiftly out of the ladder, and back up into the living room. You caught sight of a moving bookshelf, Closing slowly. You ran toward it, sliding inside it quickly. "Who's there?!" You cried out once more as the two of you ran down a hall, and he quickly made his way inside a door. You attempted to open the door as soon as you reached it, but to your disappointment, it was locked. You sighed sharply, attempting to catch your breath as you cross your arms over your chest. Was it him? You shook your head, remembering that you could pick locks. You slid a lockpick from your side pocket, and began the delicate process.

Eventually, the lock sprung open, and you opened the door swiftly, running outside. You ran into a forest behind the manor, and you came toward a campfire, still lit. You panted slightly, placing your hands together and on your chest to calm your breathing. You looked around, trying to find whoever that was. You looked around, and your eyes widened at the sight of iron cages hanging from trees. You walked toward the nearest one, placing your hand on the cold, hard metal. You walked back over to the campfire, looking around some more before you heard something coming up behind you quickly. You turned around as soon as you heard it, and you jumped back at the sight of a crow screeching in your face. You sighed sharply, unable to believe how on-edge you were tonight. You turn around, about to walk back towards the manor, when just then;

A pickaxe flew at your face, missing it barely and landing on the rock behind you.

Your eyes widened as you felt a small cut on your face begun to bleed. syou touched the cut, wincing when it stung before looking back to look at the pickaxe. Just as you were about to turn back around to see who threw it, the pickaxe began to tremble violently before being flung back behind you, causing you to bump into a nearby tree amd stumble back. " Who's there?!" You looked up immediately, trying to catch whoever threw the pickaxe at you, but your eyes were met with a terrifying sight;

a 7 foot man, partially made of rocks with a decent sized hole in his torso slung the pickaxe over his shoulder.

Your heartbeat quickened as he stepped closer, a large, attractive grin spread out onto his face as he opened his eyes. One eye glowed like the moon, and the other was black as night. He had black, fluffy hair that swooped at the ends, and his clothes were tattered and worn. You gasped softly, stepping back as you heard his wicked laugh fill your ears.

You ran the opposite way, looking for any exit at all. You pushed over a palette, trying to stop his pursuit as tears welled up in your eyes. You listened as he grunted, seemingly breaking the palette. You kept running until you came across a broken window, vaulting through it, you heard his voice chuckle in your mind. You clutched your head, groaning slightly as you kept running. You finally made your way to a gate made of wood.  You rushed to enter the password on the panel next to it, not wanting to see what the tall man would do if he caught up. Just as you finished putting in the password; you heard someone call out your name. A little boys voice.."Y/N.." He sounded as if he were in tears. You turned around, looking for the source of the cry. You steppes back toward the forest, seeming as if in a trance. Though just as you took a step forward..A cloth covered your mouth, muffling your attempts to scream. You held your breath for a little bit, but soon gave up and breathed in what was on the cloth.

You woke up, strapped to the chair you saw earlier tightly as your eyes fluttered open. You immediately attempted to escape the belts holding you in place, but were met with a brutal hand grabbing your jaw and forcing your face up. You struggled against their grasp, but they were much stronger then you, and you soon were forced to give in. They forced one of the bottles from earlier into your mouth, pouring its contents down your throat. You attempted to shake your head, tears falling down your face as their grip tightened on you.  Just as quick as the night happened, the hallucinations began. Your head spun, causing more tears to fall. Visions of the man from earlier...Orpheus..The ghost..They all spun around your mind quickly. As soon as the bottle left your lips, you attempted to spit the contents out. Only to be met with the same hand forcing your head up so you couldn't spit anything out. Tears fell quicker amd quicker as everything began to spin and fade to black. "" You cried weakly as you fell limp in the chair.

Your eyes fluttered open, only to find that you were still, in fact, tired down to the chair. Your head spun faster and faster as you heard voices ring around your mind. "Is it an issue with the dosage? but this experiment is very stable.." The words spun around your mind as another bottle was forced into your mouth amd its contents were poured down your throat as well. You fell limp in their grasp, causing a chuckle to escape their lips and fill your head. You attempted to weakly shake your head once again, but failed due to the lack of strength. Tears rolled down your face once again as everything began fading to black once more.

This time, when your eyes fluttered open, there was nobody in front of you expect for...a child..A little boy, around the age of 10 or 12..You barely recognized him as your childhood best friend before he spoke. "Y/N..?"


You gasped. your eyes shooting open as you panted heavily. You appeared to have fallen asleep as your desk last night. No..That didn't happen. You vividly remember everything that happened.. Everything..Tears fell down your face as you calmed your breathing. "Why am I back here? Was it..a nightmare..?"  You got up from your chair, looking in the mirror. Though, sure enough;  The scar was there. You sighed as you pulled out a foundation palette from your suitcase and made your way over to your wardrobe to get dresses for the day. You slipped on your favorite dress, before Lisa, the maid, escorted you downstairs for breakfast. The butler informed you before you entered the hall, that there was a new guest.due to Mr Kreiburg's absence. You nodded as the doors flew open. You were immediately met with the sounds of someone eating quickly, and you turned to see a fair skinned man with a burn mark over his right eye sitting in Mr Kreiburg's spot, eating some bread violently. After about four or five bites he would drink some milk to wash it down, though once he saw you, he stopped eating completely. The butler walked up to you, nodding his head. "Good Morning Miss..!" The butler said, almost cheerfully. You smiled softly at the butler, who walked you over to your seat. Once you seated yourself, The butler spoke. "This Is Mr Norton Campbell. Our new guest." You nodded at the butler before turning your attention onto Norton. "Good Morning Mr Campbell." You said, not recognizing him whatsoever. "Good..Good morning.." He said, seeming as if he were in a trance before quickly returning to his break and milk. You looked down at your own food, frowning gently as you recalled the events of last night. "Forgive me, Mr Butler, it must be an after effect I experienced yesterday. I don't have much of an appetite today. I will be retiring to my room to get some rest." The butler bowed before speaking. "Of course miss, please do alert a maid if you need anything." Before you left the dining hall, you and Norton locked eyes before it clicked. That was him. Your childhood best friend. Once the doors closed behind you, Lisa escorted you to your room, the clicking of her heels behind comforted you slightly. Once you stepped inside your room, Lisa spoke; "Miss, considering the state of your health and Mr Kreiburg's sudden disappearance, the master has made some adjustments to the existing arrangements. You are free to move about the main building today, but please do not leave without permission. And let me know if you need anything." And with that, Lisa left you alone in your room with your thoughts. It was him..It was really him just downstairs eating bread and milk. Tears welled up in your eyes as you made your way over to your desk, seeing the portrait of your and Norton together fallen down. You picked it up, only to be met with a note. It had a drawn picture of a lamb standing in a wooden doorway with the words "L A M B" below it. You turned it around to see that it had a short, one stance message.

        Welcome to the hunting game.

That's all for this week, though every Thursday you will be getting a couple new chapters💖

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