Kain Benedict/Elira Abbot

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Kain Benedict

I sat on her bed, holding her pillow that carried her smell.

I've never felt so agitated.

I took her out. Now she's gone.

I know she's coming back since her laptop and everything is here.

But god knows how long she'll be gone.

My mouth was filled of bitter venom, my throat drying up.

My body was internally burning, it only soothing when I lifted her blankets to my nose and inhaled her smell.

The thing is, I think this was last minute and she didn't know where to go.

I think since she told me last night she hated her parents and didn't want to go there again that she thought I wouldn't search there.

I opened her laptop, there was no password as I saw the plane ticket.

Silly, silly girl.

Because I was right.

I looked at the price of the ticket and saw the name was in Caroline Abbot.

Because the ticket was pricey and I know Elira doesn't have the money, that must've been her mother.

I set her computer down, looking around her room, grabbing a pair of her underwear she'd left near her dirty clothes and held it to my nose.

So fucking good.

I pushed it into my pocket and grabbed her pillowcase from her pillow and carried it with me.

I left and got to my car, making my way to find her without a goddamn plane ride.

I'll let her anxious self guess when I'll be there.


15 hours in, I was fucking starving but I refuse to eat until her.

She'll be my first meal and dare I say my last.

I lasted centuries without human blood, I can go as long as it takes till I have her again.

She better pray because not even god could save her from me.

I hope for his forgiveness.


Elira Abbot

I forgot how much I truly hate it here.

I thought it'd be fine but I was currently having dinner with the Bishops son as per my parents request.

"And that is why I'm so successful in the church business." He fixed his cuff links and I chewed my lip of boredom.

"Now, I bet you're wondering how this suit was tailor made just for me..."

Oh my fucking god.

Drown me.

I wish I could drink.

He went through the fabric and his exact measurements before asking about my dress.

He expects his wife to cover up more and remain as youthful as the day they met, he preferred them completely inexperienced but down to do the deed any time he wishes, they can eat but not too much, he refuses to have a wife that let herself go... etc.

"Excuse me but it's late, I'm going to go." I grabbed my things and he frowned.

"I thought the date was going amazing." He looked shocked.

"No. Tell me one thing about myself you learned." I smiled.

He paused.

"Exactly. You should stop talking so much about yourself. It's truly embarrassing how a boy expects those things when he is hardly a man. Your balls haven't dropped yet I presume since your voice is screechy and getting on my damn nerves." I stood.

"You cannot just leave-"

"Ma'am, are you alright?" A man, tall and clearly supernatural asked.

"No. I'm not." I was blunt.

"Let my wife walk you to your car, he won't be an issue." The man smiled and his wife smiled at me.

"Thank you. So much." I expressed my gratitude with a bow of my head and his wife walked me out.

"I saw that interaction, I wanted to intervene the second you two sat down and he called you heavy when pushing in your chair. You're hardly heavy." She chuckled, her voice like silk.

"Thank you. I cant tell you how grateful I am." I sighed when we got to my mothers car that I borrowed.

"Have a great night, sweetheart. He doesn't know what's coming for him. I'm starving." She winked, eyes glowing a yellow color which told me she was a shifter of the large kind.

They were terrifying and ate humans for fun typically. The more approachable ones had hazel to greenish eyes but it was the predators who ate everything that glowed gold.

Learning new things everyday.


I woke up, my mother pressing me on how I need to marry a holy man.

"Oh I know." I sighed, eating the fruit on my plate, blue eyes flashing through my mind and I sat up a bit higher as I took a deep breath.

My father came from the stairs.

"Good morning." He huffed, typing on his phone and I sighed.

"I made your coffee." My mother wanted his approval like a puppy wanted their owners.

He hummed, grabbing it.

This was always how it was.

She wanted him.

He couldn't care less until it was public then he pretended.

She just made him look good.

"Elira." He finally looked up from his phone.

"Good morning." I gave a small smile.

He shocked me my kissing the top of my head.

"I'm off. Have a nice day." He left and my mother frowned.

"I do everything he wants. I don't understand." She muttered.

"I'm sorry mom. I wish I could help." I tried and she gave me a tight smile.

"I'm going to go shop. I need a dress for the charity."

"Have fun." I stabbed at my strawberry.

I was terrified.

It had been three and a half days since I decided to leave.

I had no idea what to expect.

But until then, I'd enjoy my alone time.

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